That doesn't actually end the round.

We still have to see if D'rek wants to do a reaction move.
And then Tatts.
I've got to run to the store, bank, etc. Will be gone ~ 2 hours. That got moved back until 3:30 or so GMT -5
Please look over your section for accuracy. I will be posting a map pre battle.
1. RESEARCHES Improved Hull for 3 Science.
2. Flips all 3 colony cards for 3 science and then RESEARCHES Quantum Grid technology.
3. UPGRADES cruiser blueprint, replacing the old Drive with the Fusion Drive and the Hull with Improved Hull.
4. RESEARCHES Warp Portal Technology for 8 Materials.
UPGRADES dreadnought with 1 plasma cannons over ion and fusion source over a hull.
6. Pulsar Gaminga move 1 interceptor Chi Draconus to 55 Cancri.
7. Pass (provisional)
$5, 0 sci, 0 mat -13 upkeep
8. no reaction
9. no reaction
(assumption by me)
1: research
Fighter Bays on the middle track.
2: update dread: drive from 3 -> 6, fighter bays over ion cannon, drive 2 hexes over drive 1 hex.
3: build 3 cruisers in Homeworld (#230)
4: pass
5. no reaction
$1, 3 sci, 0 mats -5 upkeep
6. no reaction
7. no reaction
8. no reaction
9. no reaction
(assumption by me)
Action 1: Research Positron Computers
-(3$/17S/23M Upkeep -7)
Action 2: Research Fusion Source
-(3$/13S/23M Upkeep -10)
Action 3: Upgrade - Remove both electron computers, place a positron computer in the blank slot and a flux missile over the ion cannon
-(3$/13S/23M Upkeep -13)
Action 4: Upgrade
-Place positron computer over ion cannon on the starbase blueprint
-Place positron computer on interceptor blueprint on blank slot
-(3$/13S/23M Upkeep -17)
action 5: Research tachyon drive for 6 science. upkeep -21
action 6: Research antimatter cannons for 7 science
upkeep -25 $3, 0 sci, 23 mats
action 7: Build 2 starbase GC -30 upkeep
out of discs, cannot perform actions
IHCF (Intragalactic House of Crunchy Foods)
1 - Research - Cloaking Device (trade 6 money -> 4 science). Put on top track.
2 - Build two interceptors in 301.
3 - Pass
4 - no reaction
5 - no reaction
$6, 1 sci, 4 mats -5 upkeep
6 - no reaction
7 - no reaction
8 - no reaction
9 - no reaction
(assumption by me)
1. RESEARCH Plasma Missile for 11 science
2. Upgrade cruiser: fusion source > nuclear source and fusion drive > nuclear drive
3. Build 1 cruiser and 1 interceptor in Delta Eridani
4. Pass
5. no reaction $1, 0 sci, 4 mats -5 upkeep
6. no reaction
7. Move 1 cruiser to 104
8. Upgrade cruiser plasma missiles over ion cannon
9. Pass
(provisional based upon no one attacking him) $1, 0 sci, 4 mats -7 upkeep
GP Tatts
1 - Research Anti Matter Cannons - 1 Money, 11 science, 9 materials, upkeep -5
2 - Research Quantum Grid - 1 Money, 3 science, 9 materials, upkeep - 3
3 - Upgrade interceptor fusion source in blank spot, tachyon drive instead of normal drive. - 5 upkeep.
4 - Move Dreadnought in Altair, Hex 223 into Eta Gemamorium (with other Dread) -7 Upkeep - Colonise Money planet on Mu Arae
5 - Build 2 interceptors in PSI Capricorni Hex 210
6 - Move dreadnought 1 to Beta Centauri. Move Dreadnought 2 to Eta Cephei
7 - Upgrade dread antimatter cannons over plasma. Interceptor positron computer over nuclear source.
$1, 3 sci, 3 mats -17 upkeep
8 - Move 2 interceptors to Beta Centauri -21 upkeep
9 - ?
1. Research - fusion source
2. Upgrade - fusion source on dread and cruiser
3. Pass
4. no reaction
$3, 1 sci, 6 mats 0 upkeep
5. no reaction
6. no reaction
7. no reaction
8. no reaction (based upon PMed instructions)
9. no reaction (based upon PMed instructions)
1 - INFluence Beta Delphini
--Colonize both slots wit money cubes
--Flip up two colony ships
2 - RESearch Starbases
3 - RESearch Advanced Labs
--Colonize the materials planet in ETa Geminorum, and the advanced science slots in Lamda Formacis and Mu Herculis
4 - INFluence.
--Flip up two colony ships.
--Colonize the advanced science slot in Fomalhaut and the materials slot in Beta Centauri.
5 -
MOVe Dreadnaught in Beta Centauri to Eta Cephei $1, 0 sci, 8 mats -25 upkeep
6 - Pass
7 - no reaction
8 - ?
9 - ?
This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 08 August 2013 - 06:02 PM