cerveza_fiesta, on 29 April 2013 - 01:30 PM, said:
No pulsar then? I see d'reks point RE stalling turns with them, but doesn't it just amount to an extra action per round for the owner of the tile? Since there's only 2 pulsars I don't see it as being a massive time burden on the game, but whatevs. Majority rules.
I don't really know how they work very well. If you think it won't add a lot, go for it. I'm only 1 of 9 so it's hardly a majority!
cerveza_fiesta, on 29 April 2013 - 01:30 PM, said:
So with ancient homeworlds, they are not pre-placed but randomly drawn in Tier 3?
There's Ancient Homeworlds and there's Ancient Hives.
Ancient Hives - These are the ones with 3 ancient symbols on them and dice symbols at each border. They are used like normal hexes (I think there's one Tier 2 hive and one or two Tier 3 hives). When they are drawn from an Explore and placed, you put 3 Ancient Ships on them. After each round, you roll a dice and if there is a half- or full-wormhole from the ancient hive to another hex on the border where that dice number is, you move one Ancient Ship. Strategy-wise, they are good hexes that are hard to fight at first, but are easy to claim once a couple ancients move out. If an ancient ship moves into one of your hexes you still have a full round to react to it, so it's not too much of a hindrance.
Ancient Homeworlds - These are the ones with an ancient skull and little cruiser symbol at the center. When you play with a weird number of players (4, 5, 7, 8) you can use the assymetric homeworld starting layouts, OR you can use the 6 or 9-player layouts and put Ancient Homeworlds in the empty spots. Each Ancient Homeworld gets one of the Ancient Cruisers put on it. Then they are like normal hexes that players can conquer by killing the Ancient Cruiser. Since we are playing with 9 players, there's no need for them like this.
The expansion rulebook also suggests an additional variant where you can mix one or more Ancient Homeworlds into the Tier 2 pile, just to mix it up even more. I'm suggesting we leave that one out this game!
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.