twelve, on 13 March 2013 - 03:22 PM, said:
Would you be willing to move your cruiser from Beta Hydri to Psi Capricorni this turn? If you do I can move an interceptor from Mu Cassiopeiae to Beta Hydri? My missles from my interceptor should nuetralize D'reks Orbital missles in Beta Hydri for you and you have better inititive with your missles on your cruiser than D'rek does with her Cruiser and as things stand I will most likely lose two interceptors if I leave them in Mu Cassiopeiae anyway. This would also allow me to move my Dreadnaught in Psi Capricorni to Eta Geminorum giving me a real chance to win that fight as well.
I'm willing to take my chances as they are in Mu Arae and the only fight I fully expect to lose would be Mu Cassiopeiae. I have pretty good odds more or less everywhere else.
What do you think?
Odds smodds, remember my little guy needing to roll a 6? That is going to happen and you will lose!!
Viva la resistance!