Ceda Cicero, on 12 March 2015 - 03:59 PM, said:
My takeaways are pretty much the same as many I've seen elsewhere online.
-Endgame was far too easy, even on nightmare. After ~lvl 14 as the Knight Enchanter, most all of the content was trivialized in terms of difficulty. Didn't ruin the game for me, but definitely changed my attitude towards it. I know this is a particular truth for the knight enchanter class, but I've read similar reports on other classes too.
-The number of choices you're making throughout the game relative to the actual impact of those choices on the overall story arc and ultimately the ending is pretty sparse, IMO.
-Romancing Josephine is a snoozefest. I guess part of me likes the appeal of a storybook romance that doesn't involve sex or high, high drama and is overall pretty PG. A part of me also wants to see bewbs.
Boobs, eh? Roll a female Qunari, romance Sera and have her sate a demand of your Qun. Job done.