You are thinking of this passage perhaps?, and no, there is no reference to 3 days in this passage either. Neither in relation to Draconus or to Osserc.
‘... came upon Osserick, stalwart ally, broken and with blood on his face, struck into
unconsciousness. And Anomander fell to his knees and called upon the Thousand Gods who looked
down upon Osserick and saw the blood on his face. With mercy they struck him awakened and so he
And so stood Anomander and they faced one another, Light upon Dark, Dark upon Light.
‘Now there was rage in Anomander. “Where is Draconnusl” he demanded of his stalwart ally. For
when Anomander had departed, the evil tyrant Draconnus, Slayer of Eleint, had been by Anomander’s
own hand struck into unconsciousness and there was blood on his face. Osserick, who had taken the
charge of guarding Draconnus, fell to his knees and called upon the Thousand Gods, seeking their mercy
before Anomander’s fury.’
‘I was bested!’ cried Osserick in answer. ‘Caught by Sister Spite unawares! Oh, the Thousand Clods
were turned away, and so was I struck into unconsciousness and see there is blood on my face!’
“One day,” vowed Anomander, and he was then the darkness of a terrible storm, and Osserick
quailed like a sun behind a cloud, “this alliance of ours shall end. Our enmity shall be renewed, O Son of
Light, Child of Light. We shall contest every span of ground, every reach of sky, every spring of sweet
water. We shall battle a thousand times and there shall be no mercy between us. I shall send misery upon
your kin, your daughters. I shall blight their minds with Unknowing Dark. I shall scatter them confused
on realms unknown and there shall be no mercy in their hearts, for between them and the Thousand Gods
there shall ever be a cloud of darkness.”
‘Such was Anomander’s fury, and though he stood alone, Dark upon Light, there was sweetness
hngering in the palm of one hand, from the deceiving touch of Lady Envy. Light upon Dark, Dark upon
Light, two men, wielded as weapons by two sisters, children of Draconnus. Who stood unseen by any
and were pleased by what they saw and all that they heard.
‘It was decided then that Anomander would set out once more, to hunt down the evil tyrant. To
destroy him and his cursed sword which is an abomination in the eyes of the Thousand Gods and all who
kneel to them. Osserick, it was decided, would set out to hunt Spite and exact righteous vengeance.
‘Of the vow spoken by Anomander, Osserick knew the rage from which it was spawned, and in
silence he made vow to answer it in his own time. To spar, to duel, to contest every span of ground, every
reach of sky, and every spring of sweet water. But such matters must needs lie upon calm earth, a seed
awaiting life.
‘This issue with Draconnus remained before them, after all, and now Spite as well. Did not the
Children of Tiam demand punishment! There was blood on the faces of too many Eleint, and so
Anomander and so Osserick had taken on themselves this fated hunt.
‘Could the Eleint have known all that would come of this, they would have withdrawn their
storm-breath, from both Anomander and Osserick. But these fates were not to be known then, and this is
why the Thousand Gods wept.
‘In this day there was war among the dragons. The First Born had all but one bowed necks to K’rul’s
bargain. Their children, bereft of all that they would have inherited, htust skyward from the towers in
great flurry yet even these were not uuited beyond rejecting the First Born. Factions arose and red rain
descended upon all the Realms. Jaws fastened upon necks. Talons opened bellies. The breath of chaos
melted flesh from bones.
‘Anomander, Osserick and others had already tasted the blood of Tiam, and now there came more
with raging thirst and many a demonic abomination was spawned of this crimson nectar. So long as the
Gates of Starvald Demelain remained open, unguarded and held by none, the war would not end, and so
the red rain descended upon all the Realms.
‘Kurald Liosan was the first Realm to seal the portal between itself and Starvald Demelain, and the
tale that follows recounts the slaughter committed by Osserick in cleansing his world of all the pretenders
and rivals, the Soletaken and feral purebloods, even unto driving the very first D’ivers from his land.
‘This begins at the time when Osserick fought Anomander for the sixteenth time and both had blood
on their faces before Kilmandaros, she who speaks with her fists, took upon herself the task of driving
them apart.
Undeceived, Crone cackled. Then she said, ‘My master was most amused at the notion of falling to
his knees and crying out to the Hundred Gods—’
‘Thousand. The Thousand Gods.’
‘Whatever.’ A duck of the head and the wings half spread. ‘Or even making a vow to battle Osserc.
Their alliance fell apart because of a growing mutual dislike. The disaster with Draconus probably
delivered the death-blow. Imagine, falling for a woman’s wiles and a daughter of Draconus at that!
Was Osserc not even remotely suspicious of her motives? Hah! The males among every species in
existence are so ... predictable!’
Baruk smiled. ‘If I recall Fisher’s Anomanaris, Lady Envy managed pretty much the same with your
master, Crone.’
‘Nothing he was unaware of at the time,’ the Great Raven said with a strange clucking sound to
punctuate the statement. ‘My master has always understood the necessity of certain sacrifices.’ She
fluffed up her onyx feathers. ‘Consider the outcome, after all!’
This post has been edited by blackzoid: 29 August 2012 - 09:58 PM