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The USA Politics Thread

#11041 User is offline   Primateus 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 07:24 AM

View PostTsundoku, on 21 September 2020 - 03:24 AM, said:

Ah fuck, that's the last thing we need ... :no

Yeah, I don't think that's going to help.
Screw you all, and have a nice day!


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Posted 21 September 2020 - 12:50 PM

View Postamphibian, on 20 September 2020 - 03:12 AM, said:

2 years is likely a nonstarter. I have a piece of federal litigation that has been going on for 2 years and I'm just at the district court level.

Probably 10 years or 15 years is a better setup, but it's still likely to be life terms.

Maybe I wasn't clear, my thought was that a 15 Justice Court, you'd replace the earliest appointed justice every 2 years, leading to 30 year terms. Not replacing everyone every 2 years, and giving each president 2 justices. Not sure how to handle justices that resign/die... maybe the president should get to appoint someone to fulfil the remainder of the original appointee's term?
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#11043 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 01:06 PM

Ummm....anyone else terrified by how coup-like this seems?

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#11044 User is offline   Slow Ben 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 01:09 PM

Been pretty terrified for awhile now.

If Democrats don稚 sweep in November we池e proper fucked.
I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane.

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 01:14 PM

And you can't even emigrate to a decent country.

Thanks COVID-bama. :p
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Posted 21 September 2020 - 01:18 PM

Jesus! Trunk actually joked about signing an executive order barring Biden from running for president. Even a joke should be a warning too far!

Also apparently tiger stone was interviews and advocates that trump should declare marshal law if he loses and he should arrest mark suckerberg?

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 01:48 PM

View PostTsundoku, on 21 September 2020 - 01:14 PM, said:

And you can't even emigrate to a decent country.

Thanks COVID-bama. :p

To be fair, it is pretty hard to do unless you marry a citizen of another country. I致e looked.
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#11048 User is offline   Slow Ben 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 02:02 PM

My wife has dual citizenship with Ireland.

We致e actually looked into it.
I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane.

#11049 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 02:18 PM

View PostSlow Ben, on 21 September 2020 - 02:02 PM, said:

My wife has dual citizenship with Ireland.

We’ve actually looked into it.

I know at least one person who actually did this. She's been in Ireland now for 4 months and she says she will NEVER go back to the States. She said that it was like getting out of a life-prison to live somewhere so fundamentally different to the States.

And it's hard not to see the US as an abusive relationship that is hard to get out of.

This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 21 September 2020 - 02:19 PM

"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

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#11050 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 04:23 PM

Every Canadian i know in the US is making a contingency plan to gtfo before or after the Nov election.

Seriously... all of them, and it's not a small number. They have spouses who are American, they have kids who are dual-cits, they are getting immigration lawyers lined up and cancellable AirBnB reservations and putting friends/family on notice that this may happen.

It's so fncked. Hello Gilead.

#11051 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 04:28 PM

View PostAbyss, on 21 September 2020 - 04:23 PM, said:

Every Canadian i know in the US is making a contingency plan to gtfo before or after the Nov election.

Seriously... all of them, and it's not a small number. They have spouses who are American, they have kids who are dual-cits, they are getting immigration lawyers lined up and cancellable AirBnB reservations and putting friends/family on notice that this may happen.

It's so fncked. Hello Gilead.


We have two friends in the States.

One is in Baltimore and works at a hospital and she's not enjoying the vibe...they own a house and have kid with another on the way...but her parents want them back here ASAP and are likely willing to put them up in the meantime. I think they do have contingencies in place in case...don't know if/when they will do it.

The other works at a hospital in the epicentre of covid/trump hell in Arizona and she's so miserable and depressed that I wonder why they've not moved back yet. Like we are genuinely fearful for her mental health.
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#11052 User is offline   Vengeance 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 04:44 PM

View PostSlow Ben, on 21 September 2020 - 02:02 PM, said:

My wife has dual citizenship with Ireland.

We致e actually looked into it.

You are lucky.
How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
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#11053 User is offline   Cyphon 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 05:41 PM

I'd say come to the UK, but our lot aspire to whatever the US does...
Para todos todo, para nosotros nada.

MottI'd always pegged you as more of an Ublala

#11054 User is offline   Terez 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 05:58 PM

My roomie and I are seriously considering Vancouver, but the COVID situation makes that impossible right now. As soon as Canada starts letting us come, there is going to be a flood.

The President (2012) said:

Please proceed, Governor.

Chris Christie (2016) said:

There it is.

Elizabeth Warren (2020) said:

And no, I知 not talking about Donald Trump. I知 talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

#11055 User is offline   Terez 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 06:20 PM

You know, stuff like this happens every day and I usually don't post about it here because it's an exhausting torrent, and I have to wonder how much you guys outside the US have noticed. This is just a small sample of today.

DOJ has designated NYC as an "anarchist jurisdiction".


This new Florida law would have prevented Heather Heyer's murderer from being prosecuted after Charlottesville.

The President (2012) said:

Please proceed, Governor.

Chris Christie (2016) said:

There it is.

Elizabeth Warren (2020) said:

And no, I知 not talking about Donald Trump. I知 talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

#11056 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 06:40 PM

I've got my bug out bag ready and sitting in the garage ready to go. We gonna Red Dawn this shit fo-sho if it goes sour. Wolverines! Unite!

Fun fact: the setting in the movie is Colorado. Neat.

#11057 User is offline   Primateus 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 07:46 PM

Friend of mine in Florida is seriously considering moving across the Atlantic. For his and wife's health, both physical and mental. I've been telling him to keep his head down, but that's just unnecessary. He knows to do that, he's black.
Screw you all, and have a nice day!


#11058 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 07:54 PM

View PostTerez, on 21 September 2020 - 05:58 PM, said:

My roomie and I are seriously considering Vancouver, but the COVID situation makes that impossible right now. As soon as Canada starts letting us come, there is going to be a flood.

This is a good plan to look at down the road, but if I far as Canada is concerned Vancouver (and BC in general) are almost prohibitively expensive to live in (moreso than Toronto or Montreal; both of which are also expensive to live in).

The further out you push from Van city the cheaper it gets, but for the money consider going to other provinces unless something ties you to BC specifically. You can get a palace on the east coast of Canada for the cost of a one bedroom cube condo in Vancouver.

Just my Canadian two cents.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon

#11059 User is offline   Terez 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 07:58 PM

My roomie is into whale watching, so she will want to be somewhere near the coast, but she is also well practiced at finding the cheapest places to live. That's why we live in the middle of nowhere right now lol.

She also hates the cold, and she would definitely not be considering moving even further north if not for the ridiculous political situation here.

The President (2012) said:

Please proceed, Governor.

Chris Christie (2016) said:

There it is.

Elizabeth Warren (2020) said:

And no, I知 not talking about Donald Trump. I知 talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

#11060 User is online   Lady Bliss 

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 08:21 PM

View PostTerez, on 21 September 2020 - 07:58 PM, said:

My roomie is into whale watching, so she will want to be somewhere near the coast, but she is also well practiced at finding the cheapest places to live. That's why we live in the middle of nowhere right now lol.

She also hates the cold, and she would definitely not be considering moving even further north if not for the ridiculous political situation here.

How are you managing this? I looked into Canada, but from what I致e read you really need to get a job there to be able to live there, and I致e heard that can be challenging for Americans.
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