JPK, on 10 January 2018 - 10:08 PM, said:
H. D., on 10 January 2018 - 09:36 PM, said:
D, on 10 January 2018 - 09:30 PM, said:
worry, on 10 January 2018 - 08:46 PM, said:
Yeah you're right. I shouldn't assume that my neighbours have some sort of "ownership" or "special insight" into the word "ch**k" and how other people say it, just because they're from Vietnam. I should keep on using it despite their protests until a *qualified* person tells me to stop. /s

You are using words with no comparison to extreme racial prejudice and can't tell the difference?
The thing that you're not seeing here H.D. is that there is a racial prejudice involved with "Redneck" as well. Seriously, go google the word and look at what comes up for images. Every one of them features a dirty white person in ragged clothing with fucked up hair and teeth. No, it doesn't have the same tragic history as several of the other words that have come up throughout this conversation, but it's difficult to deny that it exists. But go ahead, keep insisting that this racism isn't as important as other racism, keep ignoring it, and nursing that impression that their issues don't matter because I'm pretty sure we've seen how it turns out when someone comes along and manipulates the "despicables" into thinking they've got their best interests at mind.
I don't need to google this. I live this. Have you read a damn thing I've said? I've called MYSELF a redneck a ton of times in my life. No one I grew up with would argue we weren't rednecks. Am I racist for profiling myself as being what you just typed above?