Mentalist, on 18 March 2016 - 02:09 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 18 March 2016 - 01:19 PM, said:
Andorion, on 18 March 2016 - 12:12 PM, said:
This is unfortunately how they operate, living on borrowed sunlight because it's still making the rich rich (and that's the corporate bottom line)...and Canada is no stranger to such mentalities either, as the whole Alberta oil sands thing proves (literally sifting goddamned oil out of sandy deposits in northern Alberta). I will admit that a big PART of the issue has been put forth by some scientists that IF we were to just cut off oil supplies, society could not handle the immediate wobble it creates. It would, in effect, be chaos. The real path is through a slow switching to alternate sources of energy (example: like getting families to start buying Tesla electric cars...AKA making it affordable for the average joe who drives to do so; I think the sedan is moderately affordable but the new SUV (the Model X) is over $100,000) so that we are all weaned off oil and it doesn't destroy the economy in the process. The problem is that no one currently in power gives a shit about that day when we finally run out of ancient sunlight (oil). They care about dollar bills. The finite nature of oil means that day is indeed coming (general consensus puts it at about 35ish years from now?), and without the slow switch that is required...the above chaotic scenario WILL occur. Until then, places like SA will remain super important to the US and other countries who depend on oil. We should have been tapping into alternate energy on the large scale in the 1990's...but the pace is glacial...and the only reason I can come up with is "oil=money".
This. But here's my even more pessimistic take. Even if we go green energy-wise, we're still hooked on carbohydrates (oil and gas), because it's where plastics come from. As well as things like cosmetics, apparently. Basically, our civilization is based on consumption of hydrocarbons. When the crash comes it'll be really bad.
carbohydrates? lol. Damn saudi bread
This post has been edited by Nevyn: 18 March 2016 - 02:12 PM