QuickTidal, on 13 December 2017 - 01:57 PM, said:
Yes, agreed. I actually edited my fb post to include this aspect. As a white male, I figured I needed to denounce those of my heritage, skin color, and gender. Here is what I wrote:
I still find it incredible that I could care this much about a special election for a Senate seat in a state I have never visited and only have passing connection to through some awesome Alabama friends I know.
Congratulations to Alabama for preventing such a depraved Pharisee from taking office.
To the evangelicals who supported Moore, shame. You always ask what Jesus would do. In this case, he would have wept.
**EDIT (see explanation in comments):
To the WHITE PEOPLE who voted in droves for Moore despite what he said, including his denigration of homosexuals, his comments that only the first 10 amendments should be kept and the rest thrown away (which includes outlawing slavery, women's right to vote, black's right to vote), and his horrible religious intolerance in a country THAT WAS FOUNDED on religious freedom, I say this:
Leave our country.
The immigrants that have come since America's founding deserve this country far more than you. You have forgotten the foundations of our nation and spit on the founders who ultimately gave you a country founded on inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If that is not what you believe, find somewhere else better suited to your shriveled up sense of equality and decency.
Other races, and more specifically in this situation blacks, are not second class citizens. I shouldn't have to say this, but they are equals as both American citizens and as human beings. Those of you who treat them otherwise because of skin color are the lesser human beings.
And finally, as a WHITE MALE, let me put this simply to my caucasian associates (I will never call you brothers and wish I did not share heritage with you): women are equal to me. Not lesser, not toys, not weaker or stupider or less deserving. EQUAL. So for you who think it is ok to put a man in office who wishes the right for women to vote to go away and treats women around him in keeping with these beliefs, please go to hell you pigs. I am sick and tired of being appalled of those who share my roots and represent my gender.
To the Republican leaders who decried Moore and then renegged on their stance in the name of party, I hope your lies and moral depravity dog you until the end of your days. And I hope that if you cannot feel shame, at least you will feel ostracized for what you truly are. I am ashamed that you represent my country.
And finally, to all those who support Trump and the Republicans leadership backing Moore, take a hard look at yourselves and those you endorse. If you dislike Democrats, fine. If you want to stay conservative, ok. But if you fail to decry, if not oust, this batch of scum leading your party, I am ashamed of you as well.