worry, on 26 June 2017 - 08:52 PM, said:
So simple. So brilliant. Just get jobs! (Presumably, in addition to the jobs people already have? And I'm guessing these jobs are coming from all the wonderful jobs that Trump is creating? You know, the ones that are still getting shipped overseas despite his "promises" from the companies in question? Yeah. Cool. Those jobs. >.>)
I do so love that they seem to think health insurance being available "above the poverty line" is somehow a bad thing. Come join the rest of the civilized world, America!
(Also, am having flashbacks to the politician here in Australia who had a great solution to people being unable to afford houses - step 1! Get a job that pays in excess of $150k per year [or something equally stupid]. Yup, sounds great. Glad you've committed to bringing the average wage in Australia up from ~$60k per year to $150k. Oh, wait, you're not making that commitment? Well, shit.)