Dumbledude, on 24 February 2016 - 09:11 PM, said:
amphibian, on 24 February 2016 - 05:35 PM, said:
Dumbledude, on 24 February 2016 - 03:53 AM, said:
I also think at least theoretically Clinton has an A-Game to bring, and Trump doesn't.
What in this election cycle and the last one makes you think Clinton has a higher political gear to employ?
I have some thoughts on this, but I want to hear from you first.
I dunno, just grasping at straws and assumptions. Like Terez said, the Dem primary hasn't been particularly no holds barred (nor was it in '08), but I'd imagine the gloves come off against Trump. I don't think making Trump a laughingstock is a bad strategy or even remotely implausible. I know so far he's been drawing big numbers, especially relative to his rivals, and he's been Teflon so far. But nobody on the right really attacked him because his policies -- while vague and stupid -- aren't that different from their slightly less vague but equally stupid policies. To be frank, 100% of Republican candidates this year have been cowards. I don't think it's impossible to chip away at his turnout or voter enthusiasm, I just don't think it's been tried much yet. I'm not saying she's not a uniquely flawed candidate or that the DNC won't find every opportunity to shoot its own foot, but uhhhhh I hope they don't?
She also needs to get on her hands and knees and beg Elizabeth Warren to be her running-mate.
My thinking is that she doesn't have a higher political gear to employ because she hasn't truly been stretched in a race since 2008 - and she's using the same team as then. Normally, that's not a terrible thing, but they haven't changed much up or improved her weaknesses. Her Senate run was a walk in the park. She got pushed out in 2008 by a charismatic person with a lightweight resume (in terms of pre-Presidential resumes). She didn't display the higher political gear back then and she kinda isn't this election cycle either. She needs more work and somehow, the SecState job/campaign prep didn't get her it.
I think this goes back to how Bill got elected. He has the most charisma/magnetic personality of anyone in American politics in the last 50 years. It is a genuine phenomenon and it allowed him to kind of overachieve. He ran on a platform best described politically as a post-Carter Democrat, slashing welfare, boosting the economy, and setting into place things that would get morphed by GWB into disasters. I suspect that Clinton's charisma let him get away with a ton in terms of running a campaign and putting together a platform that genuinely appealed to people. Hillary doesn't have that charisma. She's tough, she's smart, and she's not got the Bill magic.
That means she can't overachieve and when she puts together essentially the same team that put Bill into office and lost her the 2008 nomination, it means that they have to shore up her weak spots and be better. They had to be evolving and improving over those years. I theorize that they haven't done so in the amounts necessary to win this race early, which is why Sanders went from a "snowball's chance in hell" to someone who has a real chance to be the eventual nominee. He somehow has a campaign staff that knows how to work momentum and get to people today vs get to people 20 years ago. I have no idea how this happened and it's all the more interesting since most of Obama's top campaign people are not with either of the two candidates.
It's odd because I think Bill had one of the better teams to govern as a President in terms of getting legislation to Congress, dealing with crisis after crisis, and being what he needed. But they may not have been the best "getting into office" team because he was so good at campaigning. So when Hillary uses most of that team, it's interesting what happens now. I prefer Sanders over Clinton, but either will be far, far better for the country than any GOP candidate in this election cycle or the next.
Almost like Miami replacing LeBron James with Luol Deng, if that metaphor makes sense.
This post has been edited by amphibian: 25 February 2016 - 05:17 AM
I survived the Permian and all I got was this t-shirt.