Khellendros, on 05 November 2012 - 01:57 AM, said:
About Obama's most 'loyal' electoral base being by far the hardest hit during his term as President. Says something about the depressing state of politics and voter participation more than anything else really.
The white rage since obama has been elected has been scary to behold. However I think that in the long run you are going to see it be for the better. To imagine that the racism that has permeated society for hundreds of years would suddenly be completely undone by Obama being elected is moronic to the extreme. Unfortunately as evidence by the Tea Party and Mitt Romney's campaign the old white back lash has been hard and immediate. For they see themselves as losing power. As evidenced by the signs and shirts at Romney rally's that say put the white back in the white house, and the Romney campaign saying that they should have chosen Christy as the VP because he appeals to white males.
I think that regardless of whom wins you are going to see this as the last campaign that one side will be able to win (or try to win) by appealing to strictly white voters. Frankly any minority voting for Romney should either be in the 1% or fucking insane. If not both.