I write this lines, because it seems to me, this is the only chance to get in contact with Steven Erikson (he is keeping a low profile in the internet).
I'm a moderator of one of the biggest literature based fantasy board ( Once a month we read a book together and in January we will read Gardens of the Moon. Everybody will post while he reads the book, what comes to his (or her) mind and it is quite an interesting experience (but I think you do something similiar here too). It would enrich the whole thing, if Steven would attent. I would be defenitely interesting for him to get in contact with German Fans and of could the thread would be in Englisch (but please accept our appologies for poor Englisch in advance.

If he agrees at least to visit the thread a few times, he mustn't answer, if he didn't want to.
I understand, that some of you are in contact with Steven. Could you be so kind an forward this request to him.
Many thanks in advance.
If anybody else is interesting in our experience while reading this book, I can post a link if you want to.
This post has been edited by Rusch: 04 December 2008 - 01:37 PM