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Fitness and weightlifting Lets do this you spineless wimps

#401 User is offline   Coco with marshmallows 

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Posted 17 August 2013 - 01:16 PM

View PostGraablick, on 17 August 2013 - 11:58 AM, said:

Damn thats way over my league .

It was a full on death rep max of doom.

If a fly landed on me while i was coming up I wouldn't have made the lift.

Back to 115 kilos next week - much more sensible.
meh. Link was dead :(

#402 User is offline   Coco with marshmallows 

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:13 PM

Thread necro -

Doing my first ever (novice) strongman competition tomorrow.

Should be fun. will update with results.
meh. Link was dead :(

#403 User is offline   Slow Ben 

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:44 PM

I Am Brian Blessed Not Brent Weeks said:

1386335589[/url]' post='1100583']
Thread necro -

Doing my first ever (novice) strongman competition tomorrow.

Should be fun. will update with results.

Those are awesome man. Good luck!
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#404 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:51 PM

It doesn't count if your hands and shins aren't bleeding when you're done.

#405 User is offline   Coco with marshmallows 

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 09:36 PM

should emphasise novice level stuff (sub 85 kilo weight class):

Overhead medley:
25 kilo dumbell,
50 kilo log,
50 kilo keg,
60 kilo axle

For time, max of 75 seconds..

100 kilo for reps, max time 75 seconds

Farmers Carry:
75 kilo per hand, 4 * 10 metre run (ie 3 stop and turn), 75 second max

Yoke and Med ball carry:
160 kilo yoke,
50 kilo med ball, the ball has to be put over the bar of the yoke.

the keg is the only thing i can't do - so bloody awkward in shape.
meh. Link was dead :(

#406 User is online   amphibian 

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 10:17 PM

Best of luck. Bring a couple pairs of shoes and shirts/shorts/underwear.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on how your work has translated over to these competition tasks.
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#407 User is offline   Rictus 

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 10:53 PM

So, there can never be enough calisthenics so allow me to pitch in:
Got the hang of wall-walking bridges; basically I lean back and, walking down a wall with my hands, I assume a full bridge hold. It's an amusing party trick, let me tell you. Two sets of ten reps of this and I'm left gasping for air. It's nothing compared to the serious stuff in this thread, but it does have its benefits, such as spinal flexibility.

#408 User is offline   Coco with marshmallows 

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 03:52 PM

Not a bad day.

Goofed up a bit - walking between stations in the medley - should have run. But got the keg up, so happy enough. - came 6th in medley

Squats - 24 reps, 3=.

Farmers walks - forgot to chalk up, dropped the damn thing 3 times from my left hand, came last.

Yoke and med ball - 4th.

Came 6th overall though, so can't complain.
meh. Link was dead :(

#409 User is offline   tiam 

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 08:46 PM

Sorry to step into Cocos private thread but Ive been back in the gym for about 3 months now after over a year off.

No Squats or deads. I knocked squats on the head a while back after an injury and the DL I tried to do more volume so like 120 for 3 x 10 though ive had my ingrowing toenails on my big toes out so any pressure on them is not good.

im 6 foot, 16.5 stone

Bench is currently 100 for a good 5 x 5 with a stop and pause not bouncing. OHP is 70 for again a very good 5 x 5 military press. Not bad numbers and there going somewhere.

Pull ups 3 sets of 10 which isnt bad considering im a fat fucker.
Dips- 3 x 15

I need to start deadlifting again aswell as adding more back stuff like maybe good mornings.

Sorry I know its a bit rambling im fucking shattered

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 09:58 PM

It's not clear from the post - but have your ingrown toenails been taken care of? If they've been entirely, it's 3 weeks before you're pretty much good to go for anything in the gym. If not entirely removed, adjust that time downwards.

I've had a good time with bent over rows as a deadlift companion. I've mostly given up weightlifting in favor of lifting people and the like, but will get back into it once I put my dang squat cage back together (something I've been threatening to do for a year plus now and haven't done).
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#411 User is offline   Coco with marshmallows 

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 12:31 AM

Nice to see some activity in here again.

This year for my birthday, instead of bodyweight reps (that nearly f***ing ended me last year) i think i'll work up to a max squat for first time in 9 months.

And i'll do 1.5*bodyweight deads for reps as well.....
meh. Link was dead :(

#412 User is online   amphibian 

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 05:05 AM

I just took a look at my Fbook pictures from early 2009 while making a family-requested sweep through 'em. Holy crap, I've changed in five years. I was roughly 165 lbs at 5'11".

Posted Image

Today, I'm usually around 195 lbs and 20% body fat. My neck is much bigger, I have definable chest/back development, larger arms, larger legs and I have only slightly more pudge than I did at 165 lbs. 30 lbs added in 5 years, with maybe 20 of it being muscle lbs. Wow. Still the same waist size as well.

Posted Image

There's a lot of room for improvement and maybe a 200+ lb walking weight at 15 to 12% body fat in my future if I can work it.
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#413 User is offline   Coco with marshmallows 

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 10:39 AM

In the theme of changes, currently walking around at near 200 lbs (90 kilos) myself.

Tied even at the heaviest i've ever been, but not the fattest by any means.

Just been on holiday to Spain, had to buy new swimming shorts. went to the shop, medium size was 33-36 inches, thought perfect as i'm 34 inches..... Couldn't get the shorts past my quads.

Large size 36-39 inches fit my quads (just) and left a rather gaping difference around the waist.
meh. Link was dead :(

#414 User is offline   Gothos 

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 05:03 PM

OK so after more than several months with the only workout for me being lifting food and drink to my mouth (well, that and coitus), I've gone for a jog today. 45 minutes of mostly slow running, some marching to fill in the gaps when I was starting to cough my lungs out, and now I'm comfortably back at home, steaming away and feeling like retching for half the evening. Good start I'd say. GF's a runner so she'll keep me from skipping run days.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

#415 User is online   amphibian 

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 09:28 PM

Just keep showing up. Day after day, even when you don't feel like it or are already tired. Six months of doing that will see you in a radically different place.

And also work on mobility - runners get real good at going forwards and not much what. I'm talking hip mobility, flexibility and lateral movement.

Look at Mobility Workout Of the Day (search that string of terms).
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#416 User is offline   Binder of Demons 

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 11:42 PM

View PostGothos, on 18 May 2014 - 05:03 PM, said:

OK so after more than several months with the only workout for me being lifting food and drink to my mouth (well, that and coitus), I've gone for a jog today. 45 minutes of mostly slow running, some marching to fill in the gaps when I was starting to cough my lungs out, and now I'm comfortably back at home, steaming away and feeling like retching for half the evening. Good start I'd say. GF's a runner so she'll keep me from skipping run days.

As Amph says, just keep doing something as often as you can, and it should get easier.

I rather stupidly got roped into running the New York marathon on only 3 months notice, as a charity fundraiser and memorial run for my late father (with my brother and sister). I had never run more than about 8km (5 miles) in a single go before starting training for that (though I had played soccer at quite a high level). I weighed approx 95kg (~210llbs) when i started, and my only exercise at the time was 6-a-side soccer, for an hour, twice or maybe 3 times a week.

I managed 10km my first night at a plodding pace, but it gave me a baseline to work off. The next 2 runs I did were only 6km and 8km, but eventually the 10km became quite straightforward. Some nights I felt totally flat, but I still felt better mentally for having done anything at all. Unfortunately for me, after 2 months of good training, I got hammered by a combination of hayfever and asthma, and could run for nearly 3 weeks. Lost any chance of doing speed training, or doing a couple of half marathons, but still had to do it, as we had been fundraising and flights had been booked. Through bloody-mindedness I managed to finish in just over 5 hours, and never felt in any danger of not making it, just disappointed at the lack of speed. I genuinely believe if I hadn't lost those 3 weeks training, I could have made it under 4:30hours. We did raise over $10,000 for Cancer Research so it was worth it for the weeks of recovery.

I mean this in all seriousness Gothos, if I could manage this, you should be good, especially with a runner in the house.

I'm trying to get back into running again (I hate distance running), having partially dislocated my hip, and obliterated my ankle before Christmas, and it just doesn't feel right. Doing cardio work has been hard since I'm not into swimming, and the hip ruled out biking, rowing and running until recently. I'm probably the heaviest I've ever been now, at about 97kg (215llb), but I'm only 5'7". I'm naturally quite stocky though, so as long as I can lose the fat, I'm not pushed about weight. Even at my peak in terms of playing soccer, I don't think i was ever under 82kg (180llb), but if i could get near 85kg now i'd be delighted. Slow and steady, and hopefully I can get down to 90kg by the time pre-season begins in late July, and play one last year before retiring.

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#417 User is offline   tiam 

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Posted 21 May 2014 - 09:25 AM

Ampth- Toenails out but still need to wear a dressing over them every day for atleast another week or so.

As for body fat percentage I dont know. I have a squat belly thats solid muscle and makes me look fatter than I am. Im sure a few of you have this. Saying that I also must have a pretty high body fat percentage. Id post pics but im shy and ugly :rolleyes:

Hows everyones diet?

At the moment mines

Big bowl of porridge with 2 scoops of protein in it (vanilla icecream flavour so it tastes nice and means I look forward to breakfast thus setting myself up for the day properly. Dont know about you lads but I find if I dont have breakfast the day is a right off diet wise)
In work
2 chicken breast, tomatoes salaed etc around 11 ish.
2 chicken breast with brown rice at around 4 ish
Whatever the gf is making for tea. This is usually some sort of meat and ill have a jacket spud and veg with it.
Also a few protein shakes throughout the day.

My main thing at the moment is actually getting to the gym. Just so im completely honest my work is a 8 minute walk from my house and my gym is a 4 minute walk from my house. My entire life revolves around walking 400 yards in either direction. Yet I cant get motivated at the moment and I think its because ive got nothing to train for or no one to train with. This has never been a problem before but maybe now im settled living with the gf its easier to stay in and spend time together maybe?

In any case I want to start running soon when my toes are fixed but know I wont if I have no purpose for running so I was thinking about signing up for one of those Tough Mudder events? There like a 12 mile assault course and knowing thats coming will make me do cardio and give me motivation for the gym as I wont want to slow my group down. A mate of mine has done it before and said it was a great laugh aswell as being tough.

Heres the link

The UK one wont be so much hoo ra and such I hope.

Either that or take up boxing which I do like the idea of. Theres a gym not far from work that does things like that but ive just paid another 3 months in my current gym so its not possible for the foreseeable future.

Any ideas? I know Amph and Coco train for a means and is that what keeps you motivated.

This post has been edited by NoOneExpectsThetiamishInquisition: 21 May 2014 - 09:27 AM


#418 User is offline   Coco with marshmallows 

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Posted 21 May 2014 - 12:03 PM

personally in terms of lifting motivation I find frequently shifting my goals or just setting small, realistic targets helps.

By shifting I mean atm working purely on getting my squat up - running Russian Masters squat program. once that's done going to move onto improving deadlift, and just stick to maintaining a reasonable squat.

my diet is all over, largely helped by the fact that I'm increasing my squat a lot. gorging on food having no discernible effect on my weight at present.

my ma motivation is predominantly separate - try to land a specific technique/combo in sparring, or get a particular submission. Or do a ridiculous bagwork pyramid without puking / spar x number of people in a row with no break, etc.
meh. Link was dead :(

#419 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 22 May 2014 - 06:23 AM

So, last year I decided I would get back into my shape of yore, though with some added muscle mass. It was going really well, I was improving rapidly both in endurance and strenght until around september when something happened in my lower back during my last rep of deadlifts.

Turns out I managed to gift myself with a spinal disc herniation in my lower back, or a slipped disc as it's also called. I've been doing physical therapy and all, but the way back into proper shape is grueling. It takes so little to regress and start feelign serious pain again. Just a slight slip up in technique and I'm out of it for days. It's incredibly frustrating, especially as this is a permanent injury. All I can do is work to aleviate the symptoms the best I can.
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#420 User is offline   Gothos 

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Posted 22 May 2014 - 07:15 AM

With severe stomach problems since monday, I've been staving off continuation of running... going again today, I'm hoping I can handle it!
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