QuickTidal, on 25 May 2013 - 01:42 PM, said:
Silencer, on 25 May 2013 - 12:06 PM, said:

Shin Sekai Yori is
Anime of the Year (so far, and likely to stay that way) for me. Top-class stuff.
You can probably watch most of the stuff available on Funimation, or CrunchyRoll for free, so that oughta save you some cash! XD
Yeah, I think the switch to watching (mostly) unlicensed (In N.A.)
Anime that is still airing in Japan (what CrunchyRoll is legally allowed to run) was a HUGE boon to an industry that was beginning to flag under the weight of the cost for DVD's and BluRay's over here. I mean, when one DVD that consists of 4-6 eps costs you upwards of $30 and you want to get into a show with a few seasons of 26eps a piece...then you begin to realize how expensive a hobby it is.
But these days with Western Licensee's (like Funimation) offering up eps on their website streaming free...and sites streaming current run Japanese stuff free like CrunchyRoll, it makes for a FAR more accessible hobby than it ever did when I began watching the genre as a teenager (I have the original 4ep/tape videotapes of Evangelion kicking around somewhere...and those were $40 EACH!! I was...dedicated. LOL!)
So now I watch a streamed show all the way through as it airs...decide if it's worthy and then buy the series boxed set down the road. MUCH easier and cheaper.
Absolutely, and in all honesty I think it's something that really digs into the debate on "piracy" and its effect on the entertainment industry - for all intents and purposes, something like CrunchyRoll is the same sort of "try before you buy" mentality as piracy; granted, they pay a licensing fee, and granted, they gain income from advertisements and paid memberships, *however* the principle is the same, in that people can watch the episodes free of charge. The end result? I own probably 90% of the
Anime series I've watched for "free" on DVD that I liked - the remaining 10% is simply not available (and most of it is on the "to be purchased" list for when that changes) either here in NZ or in general - or the price is ludicrous.
But if you consider the sales generated from what is more-or-less free viewing...and we're talking sales that
would never have otherwise happened, well...speaks for itself, really, doesn't it? And if the entertainment industry can't sustain itself [i]without[i] what is essentially blind purchases, then it has a problem inherent in its design.
Anyway, I think that might be a bit off-topic, but the long story short is that I love the concept of sites like CrunchyRoll - I just wish there were less licensing restrictions for NZ than I have to put up with (though sometimes it works in my favour, when I get no ads despite being a regular member, or Funimation/YouTube temporarily forgets what country I'm in. XD), but other than that, it is truly a brilliant system for both ends of the market process.