BalrogLord, on 07 March 2013 - 10:39 PM, said:
yeah i started my MAL account 2.5 years ago so it didn't take as long, granted im sure im missing entries in regards to shows i watched as a child. As for grading, i weight it mostly on my own personal enjoyment but i do allow some room for more objective observations. There are some show on my list i genuinely enjoyed yet ranked average. I also very much ahdere to giving proper ranking, not inflated rating like in the video game industry where a terrible game is a 5. That being said i don't watch terrible series so naturally my mean is skewed upwards. I still think it's more reasonable then some of the other's i've seen.
Also i've only seen 2 studio ghibli films, one of which was last year in theatres (arietty). I also recall recently seeing signs at the theatere advertising the madoka movie.
Also, episode 21 of blast of tempest. To anyone who's been complaining that this series has been dragging, this episode totally makes the drag worth it. I'm still in shock after watching it. I'm not spoiling anything, but SHIT JUST WENT DOWN! I'd elaborate further but i feel i'd loose what little coherence i have.
It's awesome, that's all you need to know.
Yeah, my ratings are skewed upwards - I mean, I don't rank Fate/Stay Night as "good", but I think I gave it a 5. Mainly because it's not outright *bad*, it's just one of my least favourite and overall poorest
animes that I've watched. As I said, though, it's hard to be fair and logical - the rating of 10/10, "Masterpiece", is pretty specific and should really be hugely rare, but of course, I consider a show that I can get practically infinite rewatch value out of, just because I love it so much, to be a "Masterpiece", regardless of whether it is artistically good or not, and regardless of whether the general population would look at it and think its nothing but "stupid
anime crap". So I've got several 10's, and a lot of 9's.
You NEED to watch more Ghibli. They're awesome. Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbour Totoro, they're all worth a watch - literally "must watch"
anime movies.
I think I'll get back into Blast once it's done airing. I wasn't hugely taken with the first three or so episodes, and hearing that it had gone downhill made me think I might not bother with the rest, but depending on how it seems like it turns out I might give it a shot once I've run out of things to watch.
Oh, also, speaking of the Fate series, just rewatching Fate/Zero right now. Gilgamesh is the biggest, most arrogant, but awesomest jerkass on the face of the planet! XD
What's that, Rider?
I love Gilgamesh.
Meanwhile, I've also been watching: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (Goodbye, Mr. Despair!) - which has the creepiest, weirdest, most off-putting OP, EVER. And it is really abstract and fucked up (by the same folks as did the Monogatari stuff - Studio Shaft. And I swear that studio should all be committed to a psychiatric clinic. O.o), like, almost beyond belief this time. But it's still awesome. In a brain-melting way.
And also, Senkou no Night Raid (Night Raid, 1931, Eng. title) - which is notable for the fact that they actually bothered to have their characters speak Mandarin to most Chinese characters (it's set in China, Shanghai, mostly) despite being Japanese. Unless they're talking only to other Japanese/Japanese speaking Chinese. And it's to the point where the Japanese characters speak "worse" Mandarin than the Chinese ones. And if there is a cross-cultural meeting, all the nationalities present switch over to (terrible, but surprisingly correct) English, or have a translator for that purpose. Now, I don't know about you, but THAT is attention to detail/awesome extra effort! And the show in general is pretty interesting too!