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Posted 03 February 2013 - 02:45 AM

ill think on it. Right now i got ridiculous amounts of schoolwork to do if i want to make time for social life. My prof has high expectations of me for my one courses and the class average on the midterm last year was 45%. Im fine with watching series 1-2 eps at a time which is what my current schedule is (psycho-pass/ blast of tempest/panty&stocking/ humanity has declined/from the new world). No more big projects.

As far as big projects go i recently finished mirrai nikki. It's a battle royale type of thing. 12 contestants compete in a life or death game. Each are given mirai nikki's (future diarys) that can predict the future. The future predicted depends on the user as each individual's diary predicts different things (one can predict random things that occur around the other, one can predict escapes from predicaments, another records the actions of criminals etc). The future can be changed by others who possess diaries since they know what will transpire and act accordingly. The reward for winning the game? Why nothing less then becoming the next god of space/time. It was incredibly entertaining, but it isn't for the weak of heart.

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Posted 03 February 2013 - 02:54 AM

I've watched up to episode 18 of Mirai Nikki, then got sidetracked by some things (can't really remember what, lol). I have to finish it at some point. XD

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 06 February 2013 - 10:50 AM

OK, status update.

1) OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD episode 18 of Shin Sekai: Shit just went DOWN! Aaaaaaaaand, we finally get to see what sort of amazeballs crap a skilled Power user is capable of.
2) Started my One Piece run. Presently up to episode 10. I am decidedly not a fan of the art style (it's just about everything in anime that made me avoid said medium for years), but I can live with it. The characters are at least interesting.
3) Vividred Operation - possibly the only anime I've watched where the lead character's transformation sequence ends with her in a LESS revealing outfit than she started the show in. >.> No, in all honesty this looks like it could be interesting - just appears the CR doesn't have it available for NZ, wtf? :p Of course, this is all based off the first episode. There's enough there (and GORGEOUS scenery) that I'm ignoring the potentially stereotypical plotline warning bells going off in my head. We'll see. Once I can get my hands on episode 2+.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 06 February 2013 - 12:03 PM

View PostSilencer, on 06 February 2013 - 10:50 AM, said:

2) Started my One Piece run. Presently up to episode 10. I am decidedly not a fan of the art style (it's just about everything in anime that made me avoid said medium for years), but I can live with it. The characters are at least interesting.

Same thing made me avoid it at first...but once you get into it, the animation style actually becomes endearing. I hated it to begin with and now I love it strangely enough.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 02:23 PM

View PostSilencer, on 03 February 2013 - 02:54 AM, said:

I've watched up to episode 18 of Mirai Nikki, then got sidetracked by some things (can't really remember what, lol). I have to finish it at some point. XD

the plot twist @ ep 24, caught me completely flat footed.

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 05:51 PM

It evolves quite a lot and becomes really great. At least, that is the evolution in the manga. Enjoy the ride. I would really like to take away my OP memory and reread it unspoilered.

As a reoccuring note, I can only recommend everybody to start reading tower of god. It is so unbeliable good.


I would like to know if Steve have ever tasted anything like the quorl white milk, that knocked the bb's out.

A: Nope, but I gots me a good imagination.

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Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:03 PM

It's funny how ep17 or 18 of these shows brings the crazyness.

I'm caught up to ep 16 of BLAST OF TEMPEST (still excellent BTW), and ep 17 is still only on premium users till the 14th...but yeah from the look of the comments they drop the heavy plot twist bombs in that episode (luckily CrunchyRoll users spoiler tag their comments).

Now I'm gonna be salivating for next Thursday!

It gives me time to catch up on the few eps of SSK I'm behind on. :p

Also, all the EVA talk has me wanting to pull out my Rebuild BRD's and rewatch the two we have out here.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

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Posted 12 February 2013 - 11:08 PM

I feel like I'm padding my post count a bit artificially here, because all this post is:





SSY Ep 19; "Darkness"

That is all.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#709 User is online   QuickTidal 

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Posted 12 February 2013 - 11:41 PM may not know this but you are watching the premium user feeds...ep 18 only became available to free users today...19 won't be up for at least a week.

Damn Silencer and his no-commercial, premium user access!

"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

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Posted 13 February 2013 - 10:17 AM

NZ > rest of the world. :p

Well, not really. Most anything released on YouTube (i.e. by Funimation) is region-restricted to hell and back (by which I mean the US and Canada), so I gotta win out somewhere, right? XD

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 13 February 2013 - 04:49 PM

just finished monster it was awesome does anyone know of any familial show
blankets are always in style

#712 User is online   QuickTidal 

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Posted 16 February 2013 - 03:00 PM

I have good news and bad news...let's start with the bad news.

BLAST OF TEMPEST, in the first 10-12 eps were interesting, compelling with solid characterizations based off Shakespearean tropes...with the world at stake, and sides murkily chosen. Well, since then (up to and including Episode 17) it has turned into a "love comedy... with the world at stake"...and it's sad. The whole show is now about how Hakaze loves Yoshino...and Hakaze has gone from a strong female character, with a strong will, who is an amazing mage, and refused to fade away even though her own brother attempted to strand her on an a love sick teen (even tho she's supposed to be over 20) who can do nothing but pine over's an absolute TRAVESTY of character assassination. Aside from all else they've finally revealed the two big revelations (both of which the audience knew), and they are less earth shattering than I thought they would be, and the whole world tree gods thing is just in the background now. This show went from stellar to atrociously bad in only a few eps. I don't know what happened creatively behind the scene's, or if the manga followed this storyline...but damn it's bad. I'm PRETTY sure I've given up on it...and most of that decision comes from them ruining Hakaze. So yeah, done.

SHIN SEKAI YORI on the other hand...episode 18 was flat out phenomenal! They have totally grown the story while mainityng all that made it good to begin with...but what is most interesting to me...


LOVE show I've watched in a long while.

This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 16 February 2013 - 03:04 PM

"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon

#713 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 17 February 2013 - 01:15 AM

View PostQuickTidal, on 16 February 2013 - 03:00 PM, said:

SHIN SEKAI YORI on the other hand...episode 18 was flat out phenomenal! They have totally grown the story while mainityng all that made it good to begin with...but what is most interesting to me...


LOVE show I've watched in a long while.

It sucks to hear about Blast...I haven't been keeping up with it but I was intending to watch it once it was complete. :)

As for SSY...damn right it's phenomenal! If there is a "collectors" edition of it on DVD when it releases here, I'm down, no matter the cost (plus, it's a 26-episode series, iirc, so always worth a bit extra for the length). I do think *some* of the mystical, religious/cultural stuff has sadly dropped away. On the other hand, this makes a lot of sense given the kids have grown up over that time - and a lot of those things do become less mystical/important and more mundane as you age, once you're no longer in a schooling environment etc. I'm sure we'll see some of it return before the finale though.

To address the spoiler stuff:


Oh, and just wait until you get to episode 19!!! ZOMG. <3 this show...

ETA: So, watched the first epi of Psycho-Pass, and I've also started watching Accel World which I've been meaning to do for ages (original story by the same author as the original story of SAO...thus one of the main reasons I haven't made myself go and start watching AW after the horrific adaptation of SAO >.<).

First Epi impressions:

Psycho-Pass: What Ghost in the Shell probably would have been if it was made today. As someone who came late to GitS (very, very late, like just the other month...), it was...underwhelming. I see the value in the questions it poses about the future of humanity in an increasingly technological age and the risks and the fundamental question of "what is human?" once we start doing cybernetic beings etc, etc, but frankly as an anime it was pretty mediocre outside of the philosophical questions aspect; and even that was hardly something which has never been asked before, and it was pretty heavy-handed.
Pscyho-Pass seems like it will be looking in a similar direction but done in a much better way; a bit more subtle, with a focus on the psychological (hello, title! XD) AND social elements. Coupled with much better animation and whatnot (well, Production IG have come a long way in terms of theme exploration, storytelling and animation since they did GitS, I guess, lol) it looks a lot like it will be a good show.

Accel World: Why, oh, why, does this feel like it got a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better adaptation than Sword Art Online? It was adapted around the same time and yet I can't help but feel like they might actually have taken their time on this one, and then rushed the SAO adaptation out the door. It could also have bit to do with expectations: I had (tempered) beyond massive expectations/hopes for SAO, while I had practically none for this (having not read the light novels for this one).
But yeah, suffice it to say the first episode lands pretty well on its feet and seems like it has a sufficiently varied and "deep"-enough cast of characters to keep it running the other 23 episodes. We'll see.

It will also be neat to watch these two shows, which have quite a bit of overlap in the themes department, though they're coming at things from completely different angles, and compare how it is all tackled. Kawahara seems to prefer the perspective that the future will bring awesome advantages which have chronic, human-induced flaws (like SAO turning into a death game you can't log out of), or at the least the problems stem from the way people use the system, while Production IG looks more for the flaws in the system which result from humans being removed from the equation (plus, of course, what happens when humans try to muck with the system because they disagree with it). Slightly different approaches to the same topic. Fun. XD

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 11:06 AM

The use of some very choice pieces of classic music alone probably makes Psycho-Pass a good show. The fact that the female lead actually uses flats rather than something with ten-inch heels, given her job, puts it in a very select class of show, regardless of genre. I like.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 12:12 PM

Yeah, I enjoyed my first foray into PSYCHOPASS as well, have yet to watch another ep, but perhaps tonight after I watch SSY Ep 19 (finally available to the plebs)
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

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    Waiting till jean gets here.

Posted 19 February 2013 - 01:44 PM

I'm watching Angel Beats. pretty surreal only two episodes in.

Synopsis, everyones dead and trying to figure out how to deal with it in a school setting designed to accommodate the transition process.

Peaople tell me its pretty damn good, not yet sure I agree, but the premise is pretty interesting. Anyone else watched this?
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Posted 19 February 2013 - 03:55 PM

i see you guys have been busy talking in my absence. @above, yeah i watched angel beats. I liked the show well enough, when the show gets serious it grips you in, and when it doesn't it does a good job of making you laugh/keepp you entertained. Plus it has TK, who is one of my all time favourite characters. There was a pretty epic tribute video to him a while back but it's been deleted B)

About blast of tempest, i do agree with ya tidal. My enjoyment has definetly declined in the last few episodes. I still enjoy the episodes, but it has taken a downturn. Im interested in seeing where they go with this, maybe it will bounce back.

Glad you've finally started watching psycho-pass silencer. It will grow on you.

As for SSY, i've finally caught up to ep 20. It's simply amazing. Now i do regret being caught up as it's in the climax section, but i finally got around to start watching community and i have a new pass time. + It's reading week atm. So i'll live.

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Posted 19 February 2013 - 10:28 PM

View PostDolmen+, on 19 February 2013 - 01:44 PM, said:

I'm watching Angel Beats. pretty surreal only two episodes in.

Synopsis, everyones dead and trying to figure out how to deal with it in a school setting designed to accommodate the transition process.

Peaople tell me its pretty damn good, not yet sure I agree, but the premise is pretty interesting. Anyone else watched this?

If you have a heart, you will probably cry before this is over. More than once. One my fav animes.

Well, the story is by Jun Maeda, so what did I expect? XD

As BL says, it really grips you in the serious moments, but it has some nice comedy/drama spread through it. Do NOT get spoilered for this show. That would be terrible.

Also: SHIN SEKAI YORI EPISODE TWENTY FOR THE FUNKING WIN! And that is despite it appearing to be mostly a "setup" episode. <3 this show sooooooooooooo much!

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 20 February 2013 - 12:34 AM

SSY Ep 19! So good! Someone in the comments mentioned how the eps feel like they are only ten minutes each...I totally feel that way! I want them to be longer.

Some solid stuff happening here. Really psyched to see the next ep!
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

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    Waiting till jean gets here.

Posted 20 February 2013 - 08:55 AM

I'm taste testing the recco'd anime in here

Shinsekei Yori is creeping me out but soooo interesting.

Blast of the tempest is actually not catching me as much I thought it would? I like the basic premise and the scenematic choices help the story along but I am really dreading that I may already have guessed where this is going, I am avoiding all in thread spoilers but I can get the gist of how this could end up falling flat. will say more when I'm caught up.

I am also watching The Last 24 episodes of inuyasha, I am not much interested, just want a conclusion.

I watched Toradora episode one. Its pretty funny stuff. plan to get into it later after work, will have more feedback y then.
“Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof Gas-Fireproof.”

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