The only people still up were me (rogue/swashbuckler) and my brother (the sorceror). Oh, and I took a blast of blinding poison to the face and critical-failed (natural 1) my save and was permanently blinded.
My brother still had basically all of his spells, and other than being blind, I was at full HP. So we said "LET'S DO THIS". I asked the DM if Magic-Missile made a significantly audible blast on impact, and he said yes. So we 2 manned this dragon while I used the blasts from my brother's every-round magic-missile spam to make listen checks for my attacks and movement. It helped that I was a werecat, too (good hearing).
I tossed my off-hand weapon so I could use 2 different weapon feats to boost my 1hand damage and attack rolls. Dodging shit like a maniac, the dragon get's me down to ~3 hp. The dragon makes a swipe at my brother, and critical hits him for all of his hp. However, this gets me a free sneak attack, and I CRITICAL HIT, and kill him.
So I'm sitting there, blind, almost dead, in the middle of a dragon's lair FULL OF SWEET LOOT, and I can't do a damned thing.
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