"Not really. Just out of practice. Lost touch with being subtle, I think." QB
Paran immediately thinks it's an odd thing to say.
There is more back and forth between Ganoes and Quick, a subtle word-fight, and then,
Quick Ben....RUBBED AT HIS EYES, and said "Ganoes Paran, what are we? Here, what are we?"
Ganoes replies that they are soldiers of the Emperor, and always were.
and THEN, Ganoes pins Quick with a question,
"How much do you already know?" Ganoes
Ganoes then thinks "AND MAYBE, BECOME SOMEONE ELSE."
Then Quick says that hes not all that well informed, because Shadowthrone is pissed about "a past slight" but Quick can't remember what slight it was. He seems to be telling the truth, and if it was the mortal Quick Ben, he would of course remember the various reasons ST would be pissed.
Now SE gives us I think the final piece, after some conversation about just who Quick is, Ganoes caps it by saying
"Yet, out of necessity, YOU ALL WORK TOGETHER, for a common purpose."
That really sealed it for me. Through the rest of the chapter, Quick says other odd things like "I guess I already knew that." As well as more face rubbing and outright emotional changes. I think it was SE tipping his hat to us about Quick, and if it was, it was a master stroke.
What I'm getting at: Quick Ben "Shape shifts" through his different "souls" in this chapter. Every time he rubs his face, or eyes, or out right doesn't know things he should know, or Ganoes Paran the MotDoD, says something like "He's trying to rearrange his face, to become another person perhaps?" Quick Ben is "shifting" from one of his souls to the next. I think it applies nicely to SE saying that Quick "Shapeshifts" all the time. I apparently did the same thing when I thought this post would make sense to everyone.
That title was a spoiler~Bubba
This post has been edited by Gatekeeper: 03 April 2011 - 07:37 PM