Aptorian, on 25 October 2010 - 04:35 PM, said:
That makes no sense at all. How are you going to attract people to buy your series by offering the second volume in the series??? Why not the first book? My guess is that some guy down in the paper mill accidentally put an extra zero on the amount of copies they wanted printed of the second book... or something...
What a nice surprise to find this thread - I'm the wife (though not sure I can be classified as "better half") of Michael and its safe to say that he's loved the reviews posted on Iceberg Ink. As to why the second book is posted for free?? I think it comes down to Avempartha really starts the "larger arc going" - and in many ways The Crown Conspiracy is like the appetizer and the "main meal" starts with Avempartha and is pivotal to a larger story arc that runs through the series, while Crown is a pretty stand alone - almose a "prequel". Crown has always been meant as a fast-paced romp to get you palate ready (wow I must be hungry many food references here) and if you "skip" it nothing about the series really changes. It's focus is on plot and pace and it really doesn't waste time with a lot of background of the characters or much of the world building so I think Avempartha is a bit better representation of the series as a whole.
One other thing I should point out...Book 1 - The Crown Conspiracy is also available for free but in audio format. You can find it in the itunes store and is read by Nathan Lowell who is a fabulous voice talent. It can also be found on
podiobooks.com which may have contributed to the decision to offer book 2.
Thanks again QuickTidal - for helping to spread the word. Michael is a new author from a small press and they obviously don't have the resources (either marketing or distribution) as some of the larger boys but I think the quality of the books they are putting out rivals anything that New York produces.
This post has been edited by Silencer: 26 October 2010 - 09:04 AM
Reason for edit: Fixing link :)