Abyss, on 07 September 2010 - 02:57 PM, said:
I agree that they don't all like each other, but I didn't really read it as contempt.
"I don't get it, what would the soft headed pratt do with more of the package, maybe he was just trying to kill himself, you know".
I mean, it's not particularly nice, but I think contempt is too strong. I read it more as contemplative, like he's actually considering it as an option. "Soft headed pratt" could be read as derogatory, but I didn't really see it like that. More pitying or something.
"Not that useful" is bad wording, but Arkady is already angry at that stage, and Jack is backpedalling a bit. I read it more as "not active". Connor doesn't do much in relation to their actual situation. He records what's happened, but he isn't active in the way Kirk or Jack are.
Connor isn't portrayed as the cheeriest of people.
Particularly considering how much he seemed to want to get away from them in the last episode, it doesn't seem like an unlikely scenario. Until the last slide(which is a bit too humorous for me to think Jack was right), I definetely considered it possible that he'd just wanted to kill himself. If anything, I'd say Arkady over-reacts. She fairly goes into denial about it, not even considering it as an option, having a go at Jack. I think most of this comes from the fact that she blames herself for him shooting himself. She's very emotional, and wrapped up in her idea of his reasons for killing himself.
But I didn't really read it as contempt. I think Jack is wrong, but it was a valid suggestion at the time he made it.