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Ye Big Videogames Thread

#241 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 24 September 2010 - 10:50 AM


#242 User is offline   Satan 

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 01:23 PM

Playing the latest Geneforge game (the fifth), I am yet again amazed at how fun these poor graphic, indie games are. In one regard, Geneforge is like the new, darling, Minecraft, in that it's forgone more or less all forms of fancy graphics to provide a massive world. But that's also where all similarities end. Being an arrpeegee, it's a story driven game in an entirely scripted world. And the world seem to be scripted entirely around the story, immersing the player from the get go in the story. So no, go out and kill three rats because something has gnawed at my cheese tonight. It's rather "some rogue fyoras are terrorising the farmer Serviles, but all our troops are tied up at the frontline. Can't you help us?" Which is basically the same mission, but the rhetorics makes for a world of difference. Another great plus for this game is that the game mechanics is an integral part of the story. As a Shaper, you're able to shape and create life. In RPG-lingo, a Shaper is a summoner who have other creatures fight for you. The backstory for the whole game is that the Shapers have dominated the world as a league of Tyrants for centuries. But some years ago (in the first game, I think) some of the more intelligent Shaped creatures rebelled against the Shapers. And worse, some Shapers had made creatures able to shape themselves. Now the Island we're on is torn in half, and the protagonist is set up as a neutral part and potential powerful ally for both the rebels and the Shapers. Granted, there are loads of "flaws" in both the story and the game mechanics that I'd rather they would find another solution for. For instance, we're playing an amnesiac, which is about as cheesy as you can get in a fantasy-drive world. The dialogue and prose we're presented with is also riddled with clichés. And, while the turn based combat system does set up for a multitude of tactical approaches in more or less any fight, I miss shaped area-of-effect spells which would make positioning of your own allies more important. Also, the graphics, as I said above, are shit, the sound is awful, both of which makes for a terribly lack lustre atmosphere. But the thing that they nail to perfection is the carrot system. This is best exemplified with me suddenly realizing that I've played 3,5 more hours than I planned to last night. The reward you get for an accomplished mission is truly rewarding, and you always wonder what's around the next corner.

Therefore do I hereby bequeath the game mechanics 9 out of 10 shaper vats, the story 8 out of 10 living quills, sound 3 out of 10 pitiful squeals, and graphics 2 out of 10 isometric pixels. Oddly enough, this sums up to 8 out of 10 grins. The game is just pure, addictive fun. It's sorta like Pockemon for adults. If they'd just improve on the poor atmosphere, a product of their very unimpressive sound and graphics, it'd be a ten. Easy.
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Posted 28 September 2010 - 08:20 PM

New Borderlands DLC came out this morning. Can't wait to get home!

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#244 User is offline   Beezulbubba 

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Posted 06 October 2010 - 05:23 PM

Just got into it... made me late to work this morning. The variety of claptraps are amusing (one has a mohawk) . . . they are pissed off little buggers. Found a new Eridian weapon called the "Ball Buster", it sucks though (all Eridian weapons seem to suck).

#245 User is offline   Slow Ben 

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Posted 07 October 2010 - 12:15 AM

Yeah, Eridian weapons pretty much blow.

New original Left 4 Dead DLC just came out. "The Sacrifice"

More L4D goodness? Yes please.
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Posted 07 October 2010 - 01:27 AM

View PostSlow Ben, on 07 October 2010 - 12:15 AM, said:

Yeah, Eridian weapons pretty much blow.

I found one that's not bad - it's like a strong scoped rifle with a low rate of fire. No idea what the name is though.
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#247 User is offline   Beezulbubba 

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Posted 07 October 2010 - 06:21 PM

Played online... took on Crawmerax the Invincible (from the General Knoxx pack) with three others. I died at least half a dozen times but we prevailed, thing dropped a butt load of weapons and stuff . . . . received an achievement called "Vinciable"

#248 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 11 October 2010 - 02:39 PM

I don't know why, but I just can't stop laughing at this,

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#249 User is offline   Fist Gamet 

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Posted 14 October 2010 - 11:02 PM

Oh yeah, baby, just ordered Fallout New Vegas...light up that pip-boy!
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#250 User is offline   amphibian 

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:50 AM

View Postamphibian, on 07 October 2010 - 01:27 AM, said:

View PostSlow Ben, on 07 October 2010 - 12:15 AM, said:

Yeah, Eridian weapons pretty much blow.

I found one that's not bad - it's like a strong scoped rifle with a low rate of fire. No idea what the name is though.

Ok, scratch that. It's terrible. I do have a nice Eridian shotgun. Thing has maybe five shots in it, but a large field of fire and fairly accurate within short range.

I put it in my inventory so that it's right before my other shotgun - which is like 120x7, 70.1% accuracy and has 20 rounds before reloading. I'm only Level 45, so if you've got something better, that's awesome.

View PostBeezulbubba, on 07 October 2010 - 06:21 PM, said:

Played online... took on Crawmerax the Invincible (from the General Knoxx pack) with three others. I died at least half a dozen times but we prevailed, thing dropped a butt load of weapons and stuff . . . . received an achievement called "Vinciable"

You gotta play as the Bruiser. He's so much more fun than the Siren and the Soldier. I'm not sure about the Sniper though - haven't played as him yet.

And I'll take on Crawmerax after I beat the Claptrap Robolution. This DLC is too funny and good to put away.
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#251 User is offline   Beezulbubba 

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 04:46 AM

The Berserker is pretty sweet. Also funny when he triggers his action skill (he goes all ape shit and starts beating the hell out of everything).

Regarding the Eridian weapons, if you grind with them (and increase you proficiency) they are supposed to be powerful weapons. I just never had the patience to grind with them to get my proficiency level up.

#252 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 10:21 PM

I've noticed Stalker playing Medal of Honour lately...heard very bad things (and not just the ridiculous Taliban thing, either) about it from most folk...wondering if a Malazite has an opinion?

Also, looking forward to Fallout: New Vegas soon, and Fable III, of all things. D:

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#253 User is offline   MTS 

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Posted 16 October 2010 - 12:20 AM

The beta was pretty fun...
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#254 User is offline   Defiance 

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Posted 16 October 2010 - 06:37 PM

View PostSilencer, on 15 October 2010 - 10:21 PM, said:

Also, looking forward to Fallout: New Vegas soon, and Fable III, of all things. D:

Looking forward to Fallout: New Vegas as well. Bethesda and Bioware are the only two companies who I buy games from at full price.

As for Fable 3, meh...I remember getting excited about one and it being a letdown (it was fun to screw around a little, true, but it was still crap). 2 I didn't pay any attention to, then a friend lent it to me and it was terrible. Have absolutely no desire to try the 3rd. The stupid storyline, terrible combat, and voiceless protagonist really killed those games for me.
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#255 User is offline   Stalker 

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Posted 16 October 2010 - 09:57 PM

View PostSilencer, on 15 October 2010 - 10:21 PM, said:

I've noticed Stalker playing Medal of Honour lately...heard very bad things (and not just the ridiculous Taliban thing, either) about it from most folk...wondering if a Malazite has an opinion?

Also, looking forward to Fallout: New Vegas soon, and Fable III, of all things. D:

Well, I'll give you an opinion. It is not a terrible game, in my opinion all the stuff that has been said about the game is off base.

The campaign is what you'd expect from any CoD game except the characters are BAMFs withbeards. There are several sequences in the campaign which directly remind me of CoD, but flattery is good. At first, I wasn't sure what to think, but I was also very tired, but now I am a fan. The campaign is short, but fun. There are several moments where you and the other 3 guys in your squad have to face absurd odds, these are always the best, even if unrealistic. One problem I have is that the levels are too linear, it seems like there is always a set path that you must follow with enemies hiding in front of you or on cliffs around you. I haven't had any issues with bugs in the campaign.

Multiplayer is also fun, think of it as a cross between the tactical elements of BF:BC2 and the fast action of CoD. There are 4 game types, I only really like deathmatch and capture the objective. Most of the maps are pretty small (too small for teams of 8v8 or 9v9, whatever it is), so you get stuck with hardcore camping. The sniper rifle is so powerful that 1 hit, no matter where kills you. This results in many people sniping and camping, which can be frustrating. The best way to play deathmatch is to camp better than the enemy. Capture the objective is full of campers too, but not to the same extent. There is not enough weapon variation, though attachments for the weapons can be unlocked, and every weapon is equally good at killing (except the sniper, which is god). The only bugs in multiplayer are that the menu for changing weapon attachments is very slow and doesn't always do what I want, and spawning can take ages sometimes.

Overall, I'd say it is worth a play. Maybe not a buy (I got it for $20 off due to amazon credit I had) but definitely a rent. I've been enjoying it and do not regret getting it.

#256 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 16 October 2010 - 10:57 PM

Thanks Stalker, it's nice to have an opinion I can trust, lol.

I'll probably rent this once semester is three weeks before my first exam. I think the sniper rifle sounds imba, but then they are in real life - the 'Tier One Operators' who helped 'inform' the game design probably absolutely hated sniper rifles and so decided to make them as hax in the game as they are in real life! XD

I hate it when game reviews are super negative. It's one of those things, like '8.5' being a moderate-low score for most reviewers, that if a game isn't OMGTHISISTHENEXTxxxxKILLERGAME then it's crap. Because from what you've said, most of the issues in this game can equally be found in MW2, a game which got like 9/10's everywhere. *sigh*

Thanks again, I might see you online in that sometime next week! :killingme:

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#257 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 06:33 AM

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#258 User is offline   Gothos 

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 07:06 AM

Planescape: Torment disagrees.
Gothic series disagree.
Risen disagrees.
Mass Effect disagrees.

so this really should be 'Every _J_-RPG ever'
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

#259 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 07:09 AM

What Gothos said...

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 19 October 2010 - 08:43 AM

View PostGothos, on 19 October 2010 - 07:06 AM, said:

Planescape: Torment disagrees.
Gothic series disagree.
Risen disagrees.
Mass Effect disagrees.

so this really should be 'Every _J_-RPG ever'

Speaking of free world roaming rpgs...
Anybody played the new Gothic (arcanianianianiania?) yet?
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