Gothos, on 21 October 2010 - 01:12 PM, said:
Meh, I love Gothic, sincerely and from the bottom of my heart. I even finished that shitty Gothic 3 three times. But after G3 I'm just not going to make the leap of faith and pay fifty fucking euros for that. I'll wait a year or so until it's cheaper.
Free roaming games can be great, but they're a bitch to get into. I remember I actually ditched Morrowind after lik 2 hours the first time. Makes me shiver.
Most people never got out of Seyda Neen, let alone spent two hours in the game. XD
I purchased both Fable III and Fallout New Vegas today. Damn but New Vegas is pricey here! $134 NZ for the standard, run-of-the-mill edition on Xbox. The Fable III limited edition doesn't cost that much! D:
Anyway, I played Fable III first, and I can confirm that it is pretty much the same setup as Fable II, only a LOT more streamlined, has less pretend-RPG elements, and has a more engaging opening cinematic.*
The best part of the New Vegas cinematic was the sniper shot...everything else was mediocre.
But, what's really bugging me about New Vegas, are the animations! Not the graphics, which are fine, if a bit dated, not the voice acting, which is superb, or the combat, which is fine, but the animations. Watching another human NPC run actual trauma to the eyes. It's horrible! What the fuck did they do wrong here?
So, after a mere 20 minutes with New Vegas (15 of which was character creation), I went back to Fable 3. I admit it. I prefer Fable 3 to New Vegas based solely off first impressions. I then spent the rest of the afternoon playing Fable. Instead of New Vegas.
I'm going back to New Vegas tomorrow, simply because I want the story, I want the world, and I want the 'proper' (or 'traditional', is probably a better fit) RPG experience. If I can stomach the goddamn animations.
New Vegas: storyline, world, character building, dialogue, dark humour.
Fable 3: streamlined, pretty, light humour, easy.
So, the latter is actually more 'fun' unless you have a character to commit to and an investment in the world. But DAMN THOSE ANIMATIONS. My god. WORSE than Morrowind. Seriously. Not kidding. If I can't get past those, I will never get into the game, and that will disappoint me immensely.
*the main qualm I had with Fable II (and hell, with Fable, aside from it's broken promises and annoying interactions, terrible graphical style (imo) and a few other issues) was it's claim to be an RPG. It was not. Not in the traditional sense of the word. That, and the 'seamlessly change between ranged, magic and melee attacks" shit, because it put the attack buttons on the X/Y/Z keys. Annoying as hell, and unfortunately that still is in 3, but I think I'm over that gripe now. This one, now that it doesn't pretend so hard to be an RPG, I can actually enjoy as a game. I think...