Why? Because after playing Fable for most of the afternoon yesterday in co-op with a friend (local, on my system, he joined my game-in-progress), I return to the game this morning to find I was, apparently, not in Aurora, halfway through the first half of the game, but instead back where I was yesterday when my friend and I began playing together. Despite the manual telling me that my progress would be kept, and the fact that I ACTUALLY USED THE MENU TO SAVE BEFORE WE QUIT YESTERDAY.
Argh. Not playing through the two or three hours worth of solo play again to get back there straight away, I decided, so I turned back to New Vegas. With the intention of spending some time with it, I had much more opportunity to get into character, get bartering, accept some quests, and start enjoying it more. Occasional animation annoyances (and physics glitches - I know my agility is high, but being able to walk straight ahead and mount the display tables in the general store is a bit iffy)aside, I'm getting into it a lot better. Made it out of the starting town (lol) after doing all the side quests, getting some caps and loot, and actually turning on my pip-boy radio (for some reason, the game is incredibly more involving with that sombre/bouncy mix of music in the background. Only really turn it off when I'm sneaking around or want to listen to the empty, lol).
So all in all, it's much more enjoyable when Fable 3 has pissed you off! XD Now that I don't really have the choice to go back to Fable for a while (because I really, really don't want to have to grind that lost time again) it's a lot easier to just sit and play New Vegas.
Additionally, playing on Hardcore mode is pretty cool...having to actually care about water, food and sleep is a neat addition. Not sure if I'm going to play it to completion to get the 'Hardcore' achievement...it could get annoying in later game. But it's pretty neat for the RP value, and makes trekking across the wasteland a bit more involving...even if most towns are like a 10 minute realtime walk away! Small map is small...hopefully detailed map is detailed and packed full of stuff to do, but not sure yet.
Anyway, just thought I'd share.

Fucking progress loss! What is it with these games? Fallout is meant to glitch and crash, potentially losing your saves, Fable 3 HAS fucked up on me, causing me to lose progress...wtf?