OK, since there’s no way I can find to put multiple quotes in 1 post, you’ll have to settle for this format:
Why do I always mistake Sombra for Darkwatch?
Because your poor visual acuity combines with the fact that DW and I are handsome, intelligent and charming. You are gay for us. It’s very flattering, but I draw the line at wheelchair thieves sorry.
DW is also another foreigner you have never met.
I remember you, brood and me were having a conversation about soccer (ahem football) while a the same time just you and me were having another conversation about the 'talent' walking by. Some of which I dare say was probably NOT legal.
Didn’t stop you from looking either, and they’re all so well made up these days it’s difficult to tell. I blame the mass media and the fashion industry.
Please also recall I also have dirt on you, O Child of a Glass House.
Fantastic interview Sombra! Although I am a little concerned with this obsession you seem to have for wanting to get closer to the ladies of the board. I'll have to make sure to double check the locks on my doors at night.
Thanks TB, and don’t worry about the locks, I’ve already saved you the bother ...
I hope this isn't the first time you've noticed this. Because if so you may be surprised to find he already has his ticket for Winterpeg.
And shots.
It is actually the first time I've noticed it. I mean I always knew he was a dirty old man, but I hadn't realized he extended that creepiness to the ladies of the board! I should have known better! I guess I will have to double up on security or something like that. I'm sure there are other ladies on here he'll visit first, that should buy me some time.
Geez, “creepiness”??? That’s the last time I take romance advice from Edward Cullen.
Eek! Boobverine! This really is cause for serious concern! I'll have to get my boobs and I to some safe location!
Darwin is very, very safe. Low crime, seismically stable, volcanically inactive, politically uninteresting, the list goes on ...
I am taken as well though and off the market, so he'll have to go visit one of the other lovely ladies of the empire.
Only one? Spoilsport.

Accidents WILL happen though ...
He has an epic snore, lest we forget.
You loved it – closest you’ve ever been to something manly outside of a public toilet.
you were getting everyman in the place to try put that shoe on, like a drunken Cinderella looking for charming.
And let’s face it, at that particular time and place, looking for Charming was always going to be a fools’ errand.
"Fortune favors the bold, though statistics favor the cautious." - Indomitable Courteous (Icy) Fist, The Palace Job - Patrick Weekes
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker