Posted 15 October 2010 - 04:01 AM
Surviving Bonehunters: Fiddler, Hedge, Tarr, Smiles and Koryk, Corabb Bhin Thu'alas, BOTTLE!!! Deadsmell, Throatslitter, The Ashok Squad, Hellian, Touchy and Brethless, Crump, Nefarias Bredd, Faradan Sort, the Adjunct, Lostara Yil etc. I don't see Erikson carving these characters out of the picture as he seems fond of each. Oh yah, Skulldeath too... I just finished my second lap of Reaper's Gale and haven't re-read Dust of Dreams yet to confirm all these folks are around, but these are my guesses for survivors. I don't think Quick Ben died either. I think he will end up in Kharakanas somehow because of the Magus of Dark card Fiddler dealt him at the reading.
As for the Crip himself, I think he'll be unchained but I don't think he'll be the good guy people are dreaming him up to be. Re-read the end of Bonehunters and tell me you think his City of the Fallen is something for goodguys. I would love to see the efficacy of Broods Hammer. Right to the Crippled God's Unchained Face, however unlikely. The feel I'm getting is, take away the chains, and you take away his power, but how do you release the chains? That Ritual was woven by Elder Gods and other glorious ascendants (Gothos, Hood, Brood, yada yada) Will they all have to agree to his release, perhaps like the scene with the T'rohlbarahl at the beginning of Bonehunters? Maybe Paran and CG will have a reckoning of some kind. Perhaps he will be mauled by Gesler and Stormy's Rampaging Lizard Brigade. Too many possibilities although the Crip is pretty potent. He has been foiled time and time again, like Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget... I doubt Dr. Claw had Floating Jade Space Giants from the Moon. Not in any episode I've ever seen.
I can't wait for Toc and Tool to reunite. They have missed eachother by minutes a few times now. Toc will get it right in the end. I hope so for the world's sake. The First Sword: Angry Mega Imass Mode post-Hetan's hobbling was a sight to see. Scared me. Tool is one of my favorite characters of the series.
Who do you think will be promoted to Fist now that Keneb and Blistig are out?
Fiddler? Faradan Sort? Ruthan Gudd was awesome. I wish he lived.
so much left to happen i don't know how he'll do it.
oh yah i do...
more books.
'lo there do i see my father. lo there so i see my mother and my sister and my brother. lo do they bid me to come to them and take my place, in the hallowed halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.'