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Ye Big Movie thread

#501 Guest_Duiker_*

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Posted 18 July 2004 - 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Rallick Nom:
_The Butterfly Effect_ was awful. Stupendous number of illogical bits (if he's destroying his brain every time he time travels, how comes he's AOK at the end. He should be dead no?



#502 User is offline   Tenaka Khan 

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Posted 22 March 2005 - 04:33 AM

I've seen 'American Psycho', didn't like it too much though. The title says it all actually...

Guess that doesn't help you too much, perhaps yoiu'll like it, who knows? It was just a bit too superficial for me, the whole 'yuppie-criticism' the movie should represent and a lot of people talked about didn't seem to come through imo. Methinks you would do better reading the book (even though I myself haven't read it) if you're interested in social criticism.

#503 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 03 September 2004 - 08:10 AM

Sorry, but godzilla was just awful no matter how you look at it.

The acting was terrible (matthew broderick has never made a decent movie and i dont know what they gave reno to star in this disaster), the script was downright malicious to the viewer (but then what do you expect from a roland emmerich film?), the SFX werent anything special and most were ripped right off jurassic park (godzilla looked like a t-rex and his babies like velos) and... there really wasnt one good thing in that movie. It was pure **** from start to finish.

And there wasnt even that much of 'monster destroys city' in it.

And i still remember the idiot helicopter pilot fleeing from godzilla through the city, when he could have just pulled up. Posted Image And when he finally escapes, he still flies extra low because apparently you cant spot a sky scraper sized lizard from 1 km up.

#504 Guest_Sha'ik Reborn_*

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Posted 15 November 2004 - 10:14 AM

loved Troy, mostly because it had eric bana with his lovely firm pecks. good thing to see in a man. shame they changed some of the story for the film, oh well, never mind.

havent seen van helsing and legally blond just looks too girly for me.

has anyone seen the count of monte cristo?? i think its crap compared to the old one.

#505 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 10 September 2004 - 10:58 AM

Falco, there are several smaller non-action films out that look interesting. You should see if any are in your area:

1) Before Sunset - a romance by Richard Linklater director of Dazed & Confused and The Waking
2) Festival Express - a concert documentary with the Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and The Band
3) Maria Full of Grace - a pregnant Columbian girl stumbles into work as a drug mule travelling to New York City
4) Mean Creek - A coming of age drama starring Rory Culkin
5) Intimate Strangers - French drama that starts off with a woman who accidentally confesses intimate secrets to a stranger thinking he is her psychiatrist
6)Riding Giants - Surfing documentary
7) Nascar - an imax movie about race car driving

There's also Napoleon Dynamite and Collateral which I haven't seen yet.

All the good movies I've seen recently are rented.

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Posted 20 January 2005 - 03:35 PM

you know mezla i also recently saw that fil and when I SAW THEM PRAISE the afghans i was dying from laughter. funny how the world works out.

My best is the ending to black hawk down though. 5000 somalians died, tragically 16 americans lost their lives. It reads nearly word for word like that. its hysterical.

#507 User is offline   Iron Bars 

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 12:26 PM

Thats is the best thing about spiderman. He is a nerd in real life. Mix that with the spiderman atitude and you have one of the best comics ever. Although that doesnt mean the movies are good. I found the first one to be good enough but the Green goblin was lame enemy. Havent seen the second one yet.

Ofcourse I've seen Vampire hunter D. Try and find Ninja scroll if you can. Best manga I've ever seen.

#508 Guest_LooseCannon_*

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Posted 27 August 2004 - 07:44 PM

I would call it more of a South American Boyz in the Hood. Really awesome movie, I haven't met one person who didn't like it. Unless you can't stand subtitles go out and rent it now!

Other changes I have heard for the original Star Wars are Lucas editing new Anakin into the ending of Episode 6 and taking the old dude out. So for some strange reason old Obi Wan and old Yoda show up beside young Anakin (complete with his goldy-locks from ROTS). Also my friend told me they edited a celebration scene from Naboo into the very end as well to go alongside all the other ones. Other than that who knows? Perhaps a twenty minute sequence with Jar Jar meeting the Ewoks!

#509 User is offline   Fist Gamet 

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 03:52 PM

Posted Image That's a shame, I was hoping it would be good, RR, as I (like you) enjoyed Pitch Black. Ah well, did Gothos and Bav meet up, then?

Psst, Bav...over here...*whispers* so, is he just as miserable in real life, or is it all an act? Posted Image
Victory is mine!

#510 Guest_Falco_*

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 05:12 PM

I dunno- that kind of emotion may well be the kind of thing needed to burn away some of the apathy felt by many Americans towards the political process.

Anyway- saw 'Catwoman' yesterday. Don't make the same mistake.

#511 User is offline   Gothos 

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 05:18 AM

well, I myself consider visual "artistic" when little or no artificial, misplaced light is present OR the film is in a forethought tonation. ie, Fight Club uses very interesting, natural lightning (meaning: only the lights that would be there normally, no spotlights to see the actors better...), and Blade II is in blue or yellow tonation throughout the whole film!
as someone as lacking contact with art as it is, I have my own taste Posted Image.

and yes, a great day, this story is to be continued, Bav Posted Image
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

#512 User is offline   drinksinbars 

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 02:40 AM

queen of the damned was god awful, anything would be good in comparison!!! thank feck that useless bastard actor townsend didnt play aragorn in LOTR, that could have been a major cock up!!

#513 User is offline   Baverel 

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Posted 29 August 2004 - 04:56 AM

went to c king arthur..didn't wanna c it but i wasn't alone was i...well..the many ppl must've been workin on it to make it this bad?
the fighting...come on, not much to look at...the two main roles - a disaster, how come the other buddies can play well and the two main ppl just can't do it for nuts???

#514 User is offline   McLovin 

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Posted 29 March 2005 - 04:53 AM

Originally posted by Falco:
Just saw 'Sideways'. Funny, grown-up (kind of, the actor character was less mature than some of my fellow college students) buddy movie. I had read that it had been robbed of the Best Film Oscar. Rubbish! 'Million Dollar Baby' was miles better and more meaningful than this mid-life crisis claptrap.

Who really got robbed at the Oscars was "Hotel Rwanda." That is far better than "Million Dollar Baby" and no way Jamie Foxx gave a better performance in "Ray" than Don Cheadle's in this film. I suppose it's poetic in a way that a film about the most-ignored genocide of the 20th century gets ignored at the Oscars...
OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.

#515 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 16 November 2004 - 04:06 AM

Im gonna go see gozu today.

Posted Image

Though i suspect that no one knows what i am talking about. :0


And it turned out to be the strangest movie i have EVER seen... Posted Image

#516 Guest_fortrip_*

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Posted 21 February 2005 - 07:26 AM

Just rented Saw on DVD, pretty good flick all things considered, some decent acting a twist that wasnt immidiatly obvious (i thought it was a possibility but it was one of serveral) and some nice looking gory/weird bits.

#517 Guest_LooseCannon_*

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Posted 01 September 2004 - 06:09 PM

It looks they are sticking to a stronger link with the game and that BADa$$ dude is in it too. SFX look amazing but the story? Bah i don't care about that. . . when I have nice flashing light image thingies and big loud noises going on in a cinema !!!

And hopefully Milla will get nekkid!! Posted Image

#518 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 02 October 2004 - 06:22 AM

I dont want to give too much of hero away but its basically about this emperor who wants to unite china and there are 3 assassins coming after him. Jet li managed to kill all the heroes (or at least thats what it looks like) so he is granted an audience with the emperor.

Its better than it sounds.

Collateral is worth watching. Tom cruise saves it from mediocrity. Still nothing special.

#519 User is offline   Tenaka Khan 

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Posted 18 March 2005 - 06:30 AM

Seen Constantine this week... don't really know whether I like it or not. Cool production values in any case, some pretty amusing scenes (the Devil =Posted Image) but also pretty confusing. I'd give it 3 out of 5 on my scale.


Can anyone explain Gabriel's motivation? Just because he/she hates humans so much? She has access to heaven, no (or does the fact that she's a halfbreed prevent her from entering heaven, thus explaining why she wanted to kick humanity's butt reall hard...)?

#520 User is offline   Mort 

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Posted 30 July 2004 - 02:31 AM

@Mappo - another Burton fan hey? HAven't seen Planet of the Apes, but I did enjoy Nightmare, Beetlejuice, Sleepy Hollow and Big Fish...

As for the requirement for intelligence in pulp fiction... I think someone forgot the whole pooint of Pulp - it aint meant for posterity, just to wipe your posterior after you're finished...
If you want intelligent comics, go with Alan Moore, or Neil Gaiman...
If you don't, go with Hellboy and Planet of the Zombies...I like the concept of Hellboy - it's cute...

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