MWKarsa, on 09 August 2011 - 11:22 PM, said:
Same here. No interest in seeing it till I heard the buzz. Glad I did.
King Kazma, on 10 August 2011 - 03:53 AM, said:

a great film that is better for having Andy Serkis performance as Ceasar.
Caesar absolutely steals the show, but the film as a whole was awesome. Nothing terribly original, script-wise (Frankenstein meets The Great Escape meets Braveheart meets '70s disaster flick), but very well done. I also enjoyed spotting all the references to the original films. There were loads of them and they were worked in surprisingly well.
worrywort, on 10 August 2011 - 04:34 AM, said:
It's a pretty conclusive ending. Obviously, they left room to remake the original PotA based off this movie. (The Mark Wahlberg version of PotA IIRC does not have continuity with this movie.)
Don't forget to stay through the cookie partway in the credits and a little bit extra as the credits'll see what I mean. No cookie at the end though.
All in all, highly recommended.