amphibian, on 03 May 2010 - 02:23 AM, said:
Tiste Simeon, on 03 May 2010 - 12:50 AM, said:
That made me want to see it now... Why would I not like it?
1) There's no Premier League in it. Or musicals.
Any film I've seen about the Premier League is incredibly boring. And musicals aren't always great, and they are always better live..
2)If you've seen a Herzog film before, like Rescue Dawn or Grizzly Man, you can expect more of the Herzog weirdness. It's my gut feeling that you won't be a huge fan of that weirdness - the lizards and the soul dance kind of stuff - if you're not anticipating it. But I am pretty confident that you know what to expect of movies and how to rate them accordingly. So, go into it expecting moments of true bizarreness and trust Herzog in making the threads come together into a coherent story.
I saw Encounters at the End of the World and thought it was marvellous. I quite like a lot of the weird films where you don't really know what is going on etc. I like a very wide range of films, and thought it was interesting you would suggest I wouldn't like it because its weird. Sure I like
some of the dumb films with not much plot that are pure sit down and zone out kind of films, but I like the more intelligent and weird ones too.
I think I'm actually going to see Iron Man off your recommendation, Tiste. I don't have high expectations for it, which is why the first one was so pleasantly surprising.
Yup if you do go into it with that attitude, you should have a pleasant time.
This post has been edited by Tiste Simeon: 03 May 2010 - 03:11 PM