Silencer, on 12 January 2010 - 06:29 AM, said:
Eh, I agree it would be amazing. Sadly, most games that go to anything near those lengths (Operation Flashpoint and ArmA II being the ones I think of immediately) are bugged. And I hate bugs. Sure, they can be insanely awesome/incredibly hard, but ArmA's control scheme is more of a nightmare than anything else, let alone useful, and Operation Flashpoint has some flaws in it too, which is a shame (that, btw, is a relatively realistic MP modern-ish game...look for Dragon Rising rather than the original if graphics are important).
Hell, you could have a game which runs a simulation like: Sniper team gets 2 minutes to set up claymore's, cover points and block off routes. Two snipers vs 15 riflemen, riflemen have to get from point A to point B, snipers' aim is to inflict as many casualties as possible. End of round is one team eliminated or riflemen reach their goal, then the snipers get swapped out for two new folk.
And I just came up with that on the fly in half a minute. Imagine what you could do...almost as daunting a task to carry out properly as my Malazan project, though. XD
I actually hated (really,
hated) ArmA II because of the controls. That sort of nightmare has no place in post-90's gaming, none at all. Those more-boring-than-death flight sims have better control schemes.
The rest makes me think of these old 'design your own game' topics that would come up a couple times a year on an old forum I lived in. Sadly, they really never lasted more than a page before devolving into some variation of 'my shrewish dingaling is bigger than yours, and I'd take a picture to prove it, but I have a bag of cheetoes resting on my fat-pouch right now'