I really really dont miss Marduk, that's for sure. He was a penis. A big, smelly, unwashed penis.
I just associate the good old days with the first Malaz Manc meetup I went to (dec 06 iirc), when Id only been on the forums a couple of months. But I was mostly drunk, so it seemed like a good plan. Had a great time, met some top people, and fromt hen my love of the forums has bloomed.
Unfortunately uni work, shite internets, and general work keeps me from posting much, although with the amount of procrastinat6ing scheduled in im sure my input will skyrocket again soon, have no fear! It's nice to see Im loved, it makes me all glowy inside.
And D'rek: I knew. I knew and I embraced you subconsciously. And a little bit sexually. You dont know yet, but during that whole period I was actually transmitting my sperm in the form of internets data bursts, where they impregnated you via your keyboard. You are now pregnant with my child, who shall be the new messiah and cause you terrible man-nipple chaffage from futile breast-feeding attempts.
I remember the Orfie GaesII horiffic flirtation when I joined, it made me feel nauseous. I feel guilty that I actually may have contributed to them disappearing, due to general "YOU'RE MAKING ME SICK??!!1!ELEVEN!!" posts. And the man-love has been so hard to replicate since Tiste went, then Illy slacked off for a long time, Tremmy went AWOL and Brood started getting sad and bitter at the world.

Plus Gaz and Rich arent around much, they were always good "I suck your willies" stand-ins.