muco, on Feb 13 2009, 04:57 AM, said:
Err..isn't that what Karsa has being doing the whole series? Things you are not supposed to do, he does them. You may yet get your wish and Karsa might just defy gravity as well.

Seriously though...where in my post did I say Karsa is the best? All I said was I wouldn't bet against him in a swordfight against anyone. Thats not saying Karsa is the best.
And, Cotillion warns Karsa not to stand in Dassem's way and you conveniently missed mentioning what Karsa says to Cotillion after that. And Cotillion thinks Karsa can not coherantly put few words together to talk. Thats the depth of Cotillion's understanding f Karsa.
I would say judge Karsa by how people who know him treat him...for example lets say Dassem. Dassem at one point was scared of meeting Karsa yet strode on to meet him and if necessary fight him. Yeah..Dassem and Karsa understand each other not to stand in each others path. And what has Karsa shaken by fight between Dassem and Raken got to do with how he would fare against them? He was ready to take on all the Hounds of Shadow and few Hounds of Light by himself. And at the end until the second arrived, I didn't see him back down from the fight against HOL. What abt his interactions with Icarium? Just a thought...would Rake or Dassem be as careless when dealing with Icarium as Karsa was.
I am not saying Karsa is da best. I am just saying he is not as 'helpless' against the best . Isn't that what Karsa has been doing him whole life? His whole existance in Malazan world is to shatter the existing beliefs.
Just a final thought...even Dassem a veteran of many wars, does not give much chance to civilization when Karsa, with his army finally decides to get rid of civilization. Until TTH we did not have the some one like Dassem interact with Karsa to know his true potential. Dassem's interactions with Karsa does give us a picture of Karsa's true capabilities. Dassem treats him like an equal....go figure that.
I was replying to Sinisdar Toste's statement that logical fact supported arguments are ireelevant. Not prmarily to your statement.
"Seriously though...where in my post did I say Karsa is the best? All I said was I wouldn't bet against him in a swordfight against anyone. Thats not saying Karsa is the best."
eh? Ya, it does mean that you would consider him the best. What else could that mean?
"And, Cotillion warns Karsa not to stand in Dassem's way and you conveniently missed mentioning what Karsa says to Cotillion after that. And Cotillion thinks Karsa can not coherantly put few words together to talk. Thats the depth of Cotillion's understanding f Karsa."
Ok, I concede that one. Cotillion was not an impartial judge in that area. He knew Dassem, but did not know Karsa.
"I would say judge Karsa by how people who know him treat him...for example lets say Dassem. Dassem at one point was scared of meeting Karsa yet strode on to meet him and if necessary fight him. Yeah..Dassem and Karsa understand each other not to stand in each others path. And what has Karsa shaken by fight between Dassem and Raken got to do with how he would fare against them? He was ready to take on all the Hounds of Shadow and few Hounds of Light by himself. And at the end until the second arrived, I didn't see him back down from the fight against HOL. What abt his interactions with Icarium? Just a thought...would Rake or Dassem be as careless when dealing with Icarium as Karsa was."
Sorry, this part is nonsensical.
Do the Hounds of Shadow and Light wield swords? What do they have to do with swordfighting?
Fact is, Karsa states that only a madman could stand between Dassem and Rake fighting. it was stated that NONE of the observers could follow every parry of the fight. How therefore can Karsa win against any of those two? Should we give Karsa a pass, because he is just Karsa? Thats a cop-out. Otherwise there is no point debating any argument with Karsa involved. Maybe there isn't.
As for Icarium, I have 2 responses.
1: Icarium was knocked unconscious by Karsa. An amazing achievement. But if you remember Deadhouse Gates, Icarium can enter "rage mode" even while unconscious. He began to Keen while being held by Mappo outside the Azath. So it's possible that Icarium would still have killed him.
2: Icarium stated in TBH, that there was a person at the Throne of Shadow (who could have beaten him). That was Dassem.
"I am not saying Karsa is da best. I am just saying he is not as 'helpless' against the best . Isn't that what Karsa has been doing him whole life? His whole existance in Malazan world is to shatter the existing beliefs."
Thats basically saying that Karsa is impervious to all previous limits of ability. A huge cop-out as far as I am concerned. What about Silcas Ruin who took apart at least 3 Toblakai in a matter of seconds? Do we just disregard that fact and say that Karsa will find a way? Even though it was the same race? And they were Toblakai gods who should have been at least as powerful as Karsa.
"Just a final thought...even Dassem a veteran of many wars, does not give much chance to civilization when Karsa, with his army finally decides to get rid of civilization. Until TTH we did not have the some one like Dassem interact with Karsa to know his true potential. Dassem's interactions with Karsa does give us a picture of Karsa's true capabilities. Dassem treats him like an equal....go figure that."
He talks to Karsa like a kindred soul. Thats great, but doesn't mean anything as far a fighting ability goes. Is Karsa goingto lead his army to fight Ascendents or just mortals? What about Malazan's and their cussers? What does he do then? Shout "WITNESS" and then is blown up by a cusser.
I am not denying that Karsa is not a good fight and his attitude is amazing but facts need to be taken into account when debating.
This post has been edited by blackzoid: 13 February 2009 - 10:02 PM