1. Rake* (Contention that Dragnipur is a one kill sword, countered by its 'weight', specially after Hood enters)
2. Dassem (How much is Grief helping him... still a champion either way, but now really want to know how Grief helps him)
3. Mok (For all i know he could be higher. We need more evidence on Mok, but i view him as one of the best of a race that seems entirely devoted to fighting prowess. Also he is only 3rd, but he is mentioned as perhaps being ready to challenge the first, so until we see the first or even the 2nd in a fight)
4. Onos (I would argue alive he could take Mok, but have no proof. Also Mok used two swords vs Onos' one, so that tells me a lot. 1 vs. 1 swords.... Isnt his title first sword? hundreds of thousands of years before all the other upstarts?)
5. Silchas (Clearly better than Iron Bars and thus probably ahead of Skinner. Solar used the Trull as a benchmark to rank Silchas ahead of Icarium in skill)
6. Icarium (Ok i now admit he is pretty fast. He could be even higher... I have dropped him back down due to Trull comparision)
7. Skinner (didnt seem THAT great, but that was against Dasseem. He beat Greymane it seems. Also his armour makes things tricky. He certainly could be a few spots lower)
8. Greymane (didnt use the sword...whatever that means. Doesnt Brood speak highly of Greymane?)
9. Brys (i know some people think he is the shit... but the only evidence we had was him beating a still shitty Rhulad. He struck me as good... but not there with the rest. People seem adamant that he is better than i have placed him. Feeling info on him is lacking though he could slide up to 7th)
10. Karsa (He seems to have incredible speed... but think that is more his pocket warren. Also he was awed by Rake/Dasseem, so that should be a hint at his true skill. I might need to revisit the Karsa/Rhulad fight)
11. Trull* (not a swordsman... ok below Silchas, but how far does he drop? Fairly good argument made he was below Brys)
12. Kallor (he isnt the greatest but against lesser foes he is good. Would he have looked better if he knew he was fighting Dasseem? I have reread the Spinnock fight. Seems like Kallor is the better here. Spinnock over performed)
13. Spinnock (Think Spinnock does belong below Kallor)
14. Rell* (He doesnt come with a lot of evidence fighting other good swordsmen... hard to place him exactly. I have gained more respect for his abilities of late... but still dont know if i can up him much without relevant proof)
15. Iron Bars (Good, but below Skinner, below Silchas, has trouble with the 1000 Seguleh)
16. Blues (could be better than Iron Bars)
17. Shimmer (could be better than Iron Bars or Blues)
18. Nenanda (No evidence fighting names characters, but due to request i have added him to list. As he starts kicking ass he can move up)
19. Whiskeyjack (ok have added him...)
20. Gruntle
*Dead (as far as we can tell)
Am i missing any notables? I think i am intentionally excluding WJ. Not sure where to add him, but i think he is near the bottom or even at the bottom of this list.
Thoughts? Complaints? (i am sure there will be many

This post has been edited by Onos: 03 March 2009 - 06:34 PM