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Trull vs. Brys

Poll: Trull vs. Brys (183 member(s) have cast votes)

Trull vs. Brys

  1. Trull (91 votes [49.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 49.46%

  2. Brys (93 votes [50.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 50.54%

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#1 User is offline   Jude 

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 01:13 AM

I was going through the MT forum and looking at a Trull vs Rhulad thread which seemed to end with alot of people saying "Trull would own Rhulad.. but would he pwn BRYS?!" but no one could really say anything because they weren't allowed to say anything about these two in tBH or RG without putting loads of spoilers in. That said, I want to know who you think would win in a fight between Trull and Brys.

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 01:22 AM

Another thread in dire need of a poll - fixed.

I say Trull, hands down. he's got the range advantage, he fought off an entire tribe of Soletaken and lived to tell about it, then fought ICARIUM to a standstill. The manner of his death still irritates me no end. Brys is a surpassingly-skilled duellist, with a light weapon. Trull is on a different level, imo. He'd know to take a non-fatal wound in order to deliver a fatal one and with speed to match Brys and a heavier, longer and more versatile weapon he could create that situation.

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 01:25 AM

Ah yes! the beauty of the poll! Thanks alot Malaclypse. Aweomse Idea.

#4 User is offline   Trull's son 

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 01:32 AM

i agree. my confidence in trull is based solely on the skill demonstrated throughout the series. just as my lack of confidence in brys is derived by how his skill is seldomly demonstrated.

#5 User is offline   Chadow 

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 02:24 PM

Look I like Trull so much better than Brys, but I don't think he could take the swordsman. Rhulad was no where as good as Trull, but he was good enough to think that he could take him.

Brys cut that man down with out working up a sweat. Severed every tendon and removed kneecaps without ever touching a major artery.

Now if Trull was fighting Brys while protecting someone other than himself, he might be able to pull it out with just stuborn will, he always seemed to do that.

But in a straight up duel I have to take Brys.

#6 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 02:50 PM

I can't decide, mostly because Eriksons fights are often either decided by oponns push, like stepping on a spearbutt, or the exchange is so quick and the fight is over so fast that you can't even determine the level of skill just that one was better.

Trull was an amazing fighter. He held off Icarium and Ruin, especially his fight with Ruin had me shaking my head at the thought of what level of skill Trull must have to nearly defeat Rakes brother.

On the other hand, the one display of Brys capabalities just seemed so totally amazing that you can't help but put him on the same level of other supreme swordsmen like Dassem or Mok.

With out spoilering anything in RCG, there's an observation about the Seguleh, that reminds one of Brys talents. This was just a low level Seguleh that was fighting, but the skill was such that it was obvious that the Seguleh wasn't merely aiming to kill, but attacking with deliberate strikes each one specifically intended to hit tendons, arteries, etc. I wonder what level Brys would be in the Seguleh hierachy... probably not as high as you'd expect, but still.

I really want to choose Brys because he seems so potent, but only based on what we've seen so far I have to vote for Wolverine.

EDIT: Can't believe I just contributed to yet another "Who'd win" thread.

This post has been edited by Aptorian: 17 October 2008 - 02:52 PM


#7 User is offline   BeLeG 

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 05:26 PM

I cant believe there are people who chose Trull
Trull himself said something "no major arteries?so fast????Impossible!" or something like that
About Brys's death he thought "but there was no other way.No other way to kill such a man"

#8 User is offline   Jude 

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 10:10 PM

Still though. Could brys handle Silchas or Iccy like Trull did? Sure he sliced and diced Rhulad without killing him but Rhulad wasn't that good a swordsman at all at that time, and he still got two of Brys's fingers. The fact that Rhulad thought he could take Trull doesn't really say anything. All the Edur were amazed when Trull fought the Jheck (sp?) so that just goes to show that no one had any idea that Trull was as close to as good as he was. And the Jheck thing wasn't even a huge feat in Trull's book. Also, that Trull was amazed at Brys's finesse when he dealt with Rhulad was probably just attributed to his humility. I don't think even Trull knew how good he was at that point. Then he goes and takes down 70 million Edur in a number of battles where he's one of two capable fighters working for his side, and then holds off arguably the most powerful guy in the world. PLUS! I'll note that the only reason he couldn't hold him for longer than he did was because his spear got shredded. If Trull had an unbreakable spear there's no telling how long he could have held Icarium. I don't even need to describe the fight with Ruin, you all remember. Trull for sure for me. Brys cut some tendons because he took biology in his Finadd training.

#9 User is offline   Lisheo 

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 10:15 PM

Brys would, I am afraid to say, take Trull apart. Brys is quite possibly the best mortal swordsman alive. Trull fights using skill.
Karsa defeated Rhulad by using sheer strength, he severed his arm.
Brys operated on Rhulad. He cut every major muscle and left him paralyzed. Trull wouldn't have a chance against that. Karsa and Icarium was supposed to be pretty close, I reckon without his strength Karsa would be defeated by Brys, and Icarium owned Trull completely, more or less.
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#10 User is offline   James 

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 03:39 AM

Brys precision would win, eventually, over Trull's skill. Killed by poison, if 2 people have already died from it, don't drink it.
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#11 User is offline   BeLeG 

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 12:01 PM

It cant be just humility on Trull's part.
He thinks that Brys's feat is impossible.Not just great.Impossible.He feels awe.
The "Brys lost two fingers" argument is wrong.If Brys wanted to "kill" Rhulad he would kill him in a second
The scene is not about Rhulad's skill.It was about Brys's

Honestly I dont think SE was right to bring Brys back from the dead.By the end of MT he gave us the best exibition of sword skill we've seen so far in the MBOTF and then he was "removed" from the game.It was a wonderful scene

This post has been edited by BeLeG: 19 October 2008 - 12:14 PM


#12 User is offline   Lacedaemonian 

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 12:05 PM

I love Trull and voted on those grounds. However, there was a suggestion that Brys was ridiculous and the poisoning denied us the opportunity to see him in action again. I am regretting my vote now......

#13 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 12:49 PM

 Lisheo, on Oct 18 2008, 12:15 AM, said:

Brys would, I am afraid to say, take Trull apart. Brys is quite possibly the best mortal swordsman alive. Trull fights using skill.

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about here? Trull fights using skill? Yes, what else would he be using? Luck? A positive attitude? What's the difference between Trull and Brys, besides their choice of weapon? They are both superb warriors when wielding their weapons.

 Lisheo, on Oct 18 2008, 12:15 AM, said:

Karsa defeated Rhulad by using sheer strength, he severed his arm.


Actually Karsa defeated Rhulad with the power of all those souls. Taking his arm only slowed him down. Rhulad was going to get up again soon after he lost his arm... allthough, what would have happened with him waking without the arm is anyones guess.

 Lisheo, on Oct 18 2008, 12:15 AM, said:

Brys operated on Rhulad. He cut every major muscle and left him paralyzed. Trull wouldn't have a chance against that. Karsa and Icarium was supposed to be pretty close, I reckon without his strength Karsa would be defeated by Brys, and Icarium owned Trull completely, more or less.

Brys won over Rhulad using superb skill, but it's not a display off great swordsmanship to cut open a helpless mans body. It's an impressive trick but if your opponent is on his feet and able to defend himself against your precision it's not going to help you much if your opponent is as quick and skilled as you.

We've only seen Brys fight a mediochre swordsman. Trull has faced Icarium and Ruin. Faced them and actually withstood their power. That's damn scary for a mortal. Trull sort of reminds me of Dassem.

This post has been edited by Aptorian: 19 October 2008 - 12:52 PM


#14 User is offline   polishgenius 

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 01:55 PM

When Trull fights Icarium, he's Soldier (I think) of Shadow - surely that'd augment his abilities a bit? Not that he's not incredibly skilled but Brys was as far as we know vanilla human in his fight with Rhulad.

Either way, I think Trull would win, but as much on a rock-paper-scissors basis as pure skill - basically his spear, at his level of skill is suited to fighting Brys' light steel. If you pitted them both against someone like, say, Kalam, I'd say Brys would have more chance... but in this poll, yeah, Trull.

Also, I don't think Karsa v Rhulad was pure strength. After all, he with his massive stone sword held of Rhulad with his much less unwieldy blade for a good long time, that'd take no mean skill when he's not using his sheer power to just batter him down.
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#15 User is offline   bwgan 

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 02:32 PM

I hate these polls; why do I feel the compulsion to look and then vote :p It wouldn't be so bad if I actually had a decision making gene....anyway I voted Trull, but only after arguing with myself for a long time. The thing that pushed it for me was simply 'screen' action. We have simply seen more from Trull. But I totally lurve them both, and it would be terrible for them ever to fight (current situations notwithstanding). I'd prefer to see them as BFF. :p
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#16 User is offline   Giles 

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 03:57 PM

 polishgenius, on Oct 19 2008, 02:55 PM, said:

When Trull fights Icarium, he's Soldier (I think) of Shadow - surely that'd augment his abilities a bit? Not that he's not incredibly skilled but Brys was as far as we know vanilla human in his fight with Rhulad.

Either way, I think Trull would win, but as much on a rock-paper-scissors basis as pure skill - basically his spear, at his level of skill is suited to fighting Brys' light steel. If you pitted them both against someone like, say, Kalam, I'd say Brys would have more chance... but in this poll, yeah, Trull.

Also, I don't think Karsa v Rhulad was pure strength. After all, he with his massive stone sword held of Rhulad with his much less unwieldy blade for a good long time, that'd take no mean skill when he's not using his sheer power to just batter him down.

I got the impression that Trull was knight of shadow because of his skill, I dont think it actually improved his skill any. I'd also say that Trull does have an advantage with the longer weapon over brys
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#17 User is offline   Anzeus 

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 07:56 PM

I think Trull would win this duel.

He has the "real" experience as far as I understand, he fought against many different foes, probably learning all the time, facing some of the greatest or most dangerous beings around.

On the other hand I see Brys as a very very skilled swordsman, but lacking "mileage", true experience. Ok, Brys operated on Rhulad, but Rhulad had far less experience at that time.

#18 User is offline   beru 

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Posted 23 December 2008 - 06:11 AM

sword have an egde over spears... spears can stab and ... stab (they are usefull in nubers vs cavalry and easy to use) swords are able to chop cut and stab and also hit if you are more or less litraly standing on you opponents shoes (in strategy games sword takes spear, same in RL)
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#19 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 23 December 2008 - 08:17 AM

 beru, on Dec 23 2008, 07:11 AM, said:

sword have an egde over spears... spears can stab and ... stab (they are usefull in nubers vs cavalry and easy to use) swords are able to chop cut and stab and also hit if you are more or less litraly standing on you opponents shoes (in strategy games sword takes spear, same in RL)

Tell that to Trull.

Then remember that it's a fantasy book.

#20 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 23 December 2008 - 09:00 AM

And, as has been pointed out, spears have a huge reach advantage.

I dunno. Trull didn't exactly beat Silchas, or Icarium. He held shear force of will. He certainly wasn't attacking Icarium, just defending. What would Brys have been able to do though? He is very good - hugely, willing to sacrifice to get things done....but we haven't actually seen him in a straight-up one-on-one sword fight. If it is accepted that, to do what he did to Rhulad, he had to slow his strikes right down...then it's quite possible that he would beat Trull. Trull just isn't that fast. If, however, he didn't have to slow down that much...then Trull would win. Because Trull stood against Icarium. For an amazing amount of time.

Argh! Can't decide!

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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