Tapper, on Oct 20 2008, 08:27 AM, said:
Gem definately does what she can to aid in building up pressure with few reasons. I've been disregarding that so far because it suited me (seeing how I was pro-lynch anyone on day 1 and she voted on the same person as me in the weekend) but it's good to see it written out.
I'd jump over to Gem if it wasn't the feeling I have that Lacedaemonian will become as uncommunicative and one-linery as he was day 1 again when the pressure is lowered, but I'd be willing to vote for her when the case has a chance of seeing her lynched.
As for Yellow's post: I agree that Lace's posts on this page are more productive than anything he produced before. It was about time, too, in my humble opinion: we're on day 2 now.
@ JA about Lace being an unexperienced killer: unless he is out there on his own (in which case he has my sympathy), he still has a partner who may be less afraid of lynching a possible symp. It was DiBs who attacked Morgoth (who else?

just back - weekend break thank god as my access is reduiced to a phone that in armagh gets about as much coverage as jodi marshes boobies.
I am leaving my vote where it is. Reasoning, i think morgoth, the dude and tapper are our killers and gem is their symp. I havent read anything that changes my thought on this in fact my suspicion is just growing as the game goes on. The essence of gavins case on gem is that she seems to be symping tapper and voting just after him. well on day 1 i felt that tapper was following morgo quite closely who was sending signals to the dude (cigar smoke signals).
i havent had the chance to read through the whole thread again, so this defense morgo posted, i havent found it, can someone direct me to it? Also i did notice morgo painting me now as a symp because i didnt respond to his defence, well i havent actually been on boyo so havent read it! And who am i symping?
As for the case on lace, well i dont normally play straight laced either so i dont see that as a good reason to cote soemone off. Also tapper saying he was incommunicative and posted one liners could be used on a lot of players in most games so its not enough to warrant a lynch unless there are never any posts of substance and lace is at least driving some discussion though the personal insults for no reason have me a little apprehensive. I do agree that his lynch would shed light on some things though, consider the similarites between his train and alts. So i would vote him off as if he is inno it gives us more information than simply going for a low poster etc.
As for my case on morgo and co, it hasnt changed much, but the reasons are backed up by other things, why would you pm pathshaper saying you knew you would be labelled symp from a post, if that is true why did you post that in the first place? Also you tried to buddy up to me, dk, and ja in one of your first posts, and changed tact while under pressure. I said when i voted this morning i wanted to see what sort of train jumped up against your own and lo we have another voter for you with a long train building and gem and tapper on board early. veng seems lsingle midned and i think i know him well enough that its due to the style of laces posting that has done it.
the dude has also taken your tact morgo and is sayign he doesnt think ia m the killer, but then he would know as i am not on his team, but its the similar tactics being used by you two that have me nervous.
gotta go for a while, muse and comment please.