amphibian, on 16 October 2017 - 11:27 AM, said:
Lady Bliss, on 16 October 2017 - 12:32 AM, said:
Sorry Amp, sometimes forums don't share the full story. In this instance, since I've been along for the ride, I know Gust is in the right.
Totally get what you are saying though based on just his post. There's just more to it.
I get that there's more to it.
I do leave you with a question: Is it more important to be right in a relationship than it is to work with the other person's strongly held feelings to get to a place where you're both happy?
I struggle with that dynamic myself and I'm learning that being right is less important than I thought.
It is a very careful and complex balance. I was married, successfully in many ways, for 9 years. A large part of it is give and take, and it is very healthy to have the recognition of such dynamics early on.
You also have to know yourself. What are you willing to bend on and what do you need to stand for? Because both are necessary. A relationship of only or mostly the formal will break or denegrade you. A relationship of the latter will stunt the one you claim to love and ruin any possible new things they could open your eyes to.
I believe the cooperative approach is what makes or breaks a relationship, but it takes two. If one side cannot span the gap of a disagreement, then that gap will create a hole in the relationship. And enough holes in a relationship leaves it empty and hollow.
This is what happened to my marriage. And this is why I broke up with that girl ultimately. It wasn't that i wasn't willing to be wrong or meet her halfway. It was that this early in the relationship she was already shutting down dialogue because she, as she said, did not like conflict.
Communication is the most basic and essential need of a relationship. If it isn't there it seems silly to proceed into the future.