Posted 05 April 2017 - 07:44 PM
So I've been contacting my mother off and on for a couple years now, offering to fly her from the east coast US to stay with my family on the west coast US.
I tried to fly her out for my wedding. Something came up and she couldn't make it.
I tried to fly her out for the birth of my daughter. Again, something else took priority.
I tired to fly her out for winter holidays. Again, negative. This was about the time I posted I here about the stain on the familial relationship and how she never initiates contact unless she needs money.
Last time I heard from her was late January when I again asked about flying her out here, and about the payment plan she promised she'd follow to pay back the loan. (I have a nine month old and childcare is expensive for two parents with 44+ hour workweeks.) She didn't have the money, so I told her no problem we'd still love to see her. Again, she declined because she was broke and moving two states north to live with my sister's family.
After that I've given her done space again until today when I asked if I could fly her out for the Boo's first birthday. Now I'm an emotional mess because this is when she chooses to inform me (via Facebook messenger) that she has breast cancer. I feel terrible for her and I'm obviously upset that she has cancer. She's still my mom, you know.
At the same time, I'm upset because of the way she decided to tell me. Facebook messenger!? Really? This didn't even warrent a phonecall?
To top all of this off, March 31st was the fifth anniversary of my father's death. Two days from now, April 7th, would have been his 70th birthday. He died from colon cancer.
Fuck ALL of this.