Apt, on 21 January 2016 - 04:52 PM, said:
The way I see it, unless you are trying to win one of these contests as a way to pad your resume and maybe get your writing noticed by a agent/publisher, what is the point of the exercise?
If your answer is for the money, then there's probably better ways to earn money from writing.
If your answer is because I like to write and I like to challenge myself, then really, it doesn't matter who wins or where you place. It only matters that you got something out of it yourself. It's an exercise in creativity and skill.
It seems like this contest is simply a reflection of the general state of literary publishing. It seems like who gets noticed and published is completely random and often times the most deserving or most interesting will never be picked up. Meanwhile the literati will continue to masturbate over what ever artistic, pretentious bullshit is currently fashionable.
Meanwhile I am sitting over here reading Jim Butcher because explosions.
How it is that APT...the guy who has the craziest list of favourite movies ever...is the voice of reason to make me smack myself and go..."You know what? He's right."
I completed a short piece of fiction and that's what I should focus on.
I don't think it was ever about the money or the prize. To me it was about having someone read it and say that it entertained them. You're right, there are other ways to go about that.
Thanks man.