Weird historical knowledge input here: Waking up and doing something active in the middle of the night isn't actually abnormal. The 8 hours sleep, 8 hours work, 8 hours play routine is a modern construct.
In some countries, in ye olden days, out on the farm, when the nights were long and they didn't have TVs and Radio, it wasn't unusual that people went to bed early, woke up in the middle of the night and spent a couple hours eating, reading, some handiwork, etc. Then they'd eventually fall asleep again. This kind of behavior has also been observed in other animals.
I don't know how strict or regulated your work schedule is but have you considered sleeping during the day? I assume you are working some kind of cushy lab monkey desk job. Get permission to take a 2 hour siesta somewhere dark and calm, perhaps?
Otherwise, maybe go to bed at 8-9 and when you wake up try to not stress out about the awake part and just relax? Half the problems with insomnia is stressing out over having insomnia.
EDIT: Here's something that will put you to sleep:
If you take the articles suggestion you could perhaps engage in a crime spree of petty theft. As a rotund, flat footed burglar tumbling into innocent peoples kitchens and eating pregnant food.
This post has been edited by Apt: 18 January 2016 - 12:25 PM