Thanks for the support all, you're gems
Lady Bliss, on 17 May 2023 - 12:46 PM, said:
So sorry to hear that TRB, I've heard that can be awful. I hope the ear plugs work. Have you checked in with the doctor about it? In 10 years they could have made some innovations in that area.
I'm feeling better, it just takes a couple of days to feel right. I'm now seeing a neurologist and he's started me on seizure meds. Also there will be some lifestyle changes. Sadly my wine after work days are over, but honestly that's not a big deal. I'll just have to get used to having club soda if I go to the pub to hang out with friends. Much better than the alternative I can tell you!
Hope the new meds are helpful for you
Thanks - I think I'm going to go see a doctor if it doesn't calm down once we've settled at our new place (a detached on a quiet cul de sac, so no direct neighbour noise hopefully). I just can't see them not concluding it's stress related with the impending move and the fact our neigjbours are hellish so I suspect they'd say wait it out and see anyway. Several of my D&D group recommended Loop as they use them, so I'm keeping fingers crossed I'll find them helpful.
QuickTidal, on 17 May 2023 - 12:55 PM, said:
TheRetiredBridgeburner, on 17 May 2023 - 08:15 AM, said:
Messing with my groove: finally had to give in and accept my sound sensitivity is out of control at the moment. It's been years since I was this bad. Hopeful it will sort itself out when the move is over and we don't have all that stress and are no longer living next to the monsters next door, because I'm pretty sure it's the lack of quiet and inability to relax in the house that's ramped it up. On the positive its taken 15 months of living here to get this bad, but its now deeply unpleasant and starting to affect me in most situations. Had my first bout of full on sensory overload (everything is one too loud volume, lights are too bright, everything smells too strong etc) in about a decade a few weeks ago, and have had three since. That really can't continue.
Have ordered some Loop everyday earplugs that are supposed to be able to be worn so you can still hear conversation with the person you're speaking to, but cut down a lot of background. Fingers crossed they make a difference.
This sounds so much like me. My sound sensitivity has gotten really bad and my wife points out how often I can't deal with it. Like we will be in the car, both kids will be loudly talking or shouting with each other, the radio will be going, and the noise of the traffic all at once and I have to plug my ears otherwise I feel like I'm going have a breakdown.
I never used to be this bad. I've always enjoyed the quiet, but this has become a really insistent thing....I didn't know others experienced it like me.
I'm going to look into these Loop earplugs, they sound like they might help. Hope yours gets better!
So sorry to read you're affected by this QT, you have my sympathy because it really does suck. Loop are based in Germany so the postage is steep, but they were the brand I was specifically recommended so hopefully they'd be worth it for you too. Did you find you were more reactive to noise post-pandemic at all? I definitely think my tolerance (neighbours aside) is not what it was prior to that because I got used to more quiet.
Tiste Simeon, on 17 May 2023 - 01:30 PM, said:
Oh dang TRB and QT that doesn't sound fun. I'll send you a recording of me talking in my soothing Yorkshire tones that should do the trick!
Bliss - glad to hear you're ok and I hope you continue to heal!
MWMG - I may have Type 2 diabetes. It's not confirmed yet and it seems as though we've "caught" it early enough that if I make some lifestyle changes and possibly go on meds it shouldn't be a big issue but it's still not fun to be told that.
Yorkshire tones always gladly accepted! Sorry to hear about the diabetes though, I really hope the changes/possible meds are helpful for you.