Feeling ... conflicted.
Dry winds definitely dehydrate you faster, and they are generally worse for carrying irritants and/or allergens (although it depends what has been recently in season). Boo!

When it comes to hydration, instead of working on fixed amounts try drinking enough when you are thirsty (I know, but you'd be surprised how few people do it properly).
Operate on the "Piss clear twice a day" principle. Ie the more yellow it is, the worse you are and the more you have to drink until you are pissing clear. If it's pungent and kinda orange-y (or even darker), seek medical attention. Stat.
B vitamins (eg the Holy Vegemite or the foul, cursed abominations you foreigners consume) can however make your urine bright yellow and a bit whiffy, so bear that in mind.
This post has been edited by Tsundoku: 22 January 2018 - 12:19 PM