Posted 04 December 2017 - 10:57 AM
Puck, on 04 December 2017 - 10:50 AM, said:
Puck, on 02 December 2017 - 11:18 AM, said:
Puck, on 01 December 2017 - 12:17 PM, said:
My new glasses were supposed to arrive today, but the delivery is taking its sweet sweet time and I'm sitting here on metaphorical hot coals 'cause I need to take them to the optometrist or whatever they're called to have some last adjustments made and aside from today I won't have time to do so for another whole week and I have a appointment in a couple of hours...

A needs ma glasses, duh!
Same shit, different day. They've been carting around my order for two days now. I'm not amused.
Edit: Didn't get my delivery. They 'couldn't find my adress'. On the town's most busy street. Translation: they ran out of time and couldn't bother. So I called customer service (since that's not the first time that's happened) and the bastard hung up on me the moment I mentioned I'd like know why my delivery's been cruising around town for two days
#FirstWorldProblems, but I need my glasses because for now I can work for two hours on a computer before I get headaches from squinting at the screen, which unfortunately means I'm chipping away at my second Advent Calendar entry at the lightnign speed of one hour a day.
The quest continues. I'm watching my delivery doing the rounds around town from work (they've got GPS tracking for the delivery truck) but it's yet to show up at my door. That's not even remotely funny anymore.
What's the bet your delivery people are related to Abyss' delivery people?
My groove:
I'm annoying by The Australian cricket team's continued inability to play the swinging ball. No, that's not a metaphor.
Never used to be a problem, and we had some decent swing bowlers ourselves. But in recent years it's like that art has become extinct here.
By the same token, if the ball isn't swinging the English can't bowl for shit.
This post has been edited by Tsundoku: 04 December 2017 - 11:00 AM
"Fortune favors the bold, though statistics favor the cautious." - Indomitable Courteous (Icy) Fist, The Palace Job - Patrick Weekes
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker