Ugh, PT this morning:
Heaves, Pushups, squats and burpees. Starting at 10 reps each, then a 300m run including up and down stairs, then 9 reps each, 300m run, all the way down to 1. Which is better than the other day when we started at 20 reps and went down by 2's each time.
Then 5 x 200m sprints in pairs.
Then "Sally" (squat holds done to the tune of Moby's "Flowers") x 2.
I hurt now, but it's going to be worse tomorrow. And Thursday will be even worse - good old DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). I know I should stretch more and maybe take some magnesium tablets, but I'm too buggered and I ran out of tablets and forgot to get more.
I'd get a massage, but I'd need 3 a week and they're not cheap.
Oh, and all this in 30+ degree heat with 70-90% humidity. I quite literally look like I've just stepped out of the shower afterward, fully clothed. Ew.
This is a "medium" session. The ones wearing body armour with a helmet on are the worst because the heat just can't escape. Good times.
PT 4 mornings a week, 45-75 mins. This does include warm up and cool down, thankfully.
EDIT: body armour sessions are usually less intensive as far as pushups and stuff goes, more walking/jogging carrying various weight loads, ropes, leopard crawling on the ground, some agility etc.
This post has been edited by Captain Needa: 14 March 2017 - 11:26 AM
"Fortune favors the bold, though statistics favor the cautious." - Indomitable Courteous (Icy) Fist, The Palace Job - Patrick Weekes
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesnt work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker