Whats making you happy right now
Posted 06 April 2009 - 05:31 AM
damn, well cool, hope all goes well...
I just finished Last Argument of Kings and that makes me happy....i neglected it for to long
I just finished Last Argument of Kings and that makes me happy....i neglected it for to long
You can't find me because I'm lost in the music
Posted 06 April 2009 - 01:08 PM
Only 43 minutes left of my work day. Freedom here I come!!
Things and stuffs...and other important objects.
Posted 07 April 2009 - 05:52 AM
I won my NCAA bracket challenge at work and 500 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Optimus Prime, the biz bam diddily shiznit.
Optimus Prime, the biz bam diddily shiznit.
Posted 07 April 2009 - 10:43 AM
You lucky, lucky Eurotrash ... 
La Sombra, guess who's coming to dinner?

La Sombra, guess who's coming to dinner?

"Fortune favors the bold, though statistics favor the cautious." - Indomitable Courteous (Icy) Fist, The Palace Job - Patrick Weekes
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker
Posted 07 April 2009 - 01:43 PM
I have finally been invited to join the Malazan Artist Group!
Look at my shiny, new, green sword.....oh, th recognition, I lurvz it!
Look at my shiny, new, green sword.....oh, th recognition, I lurvz it!
Things and stuffs...and other important objects.
Posted 08 April 2009 - 03:12 AM
Twinsaaq!!!!! ::DD
Take good care to keep relations civil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
Posted 08 April 2009 - 05:24 AM
32 in HD-LCD!

Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....
Posted 08 April 2009 - 08:02 AM
I finished turn coat...awesome...
awww, i want a cool sword... cant I have one for being awesome... or for probably being the member to access the forum across the greatest amount of countries... oh well i guess I should be happy enough with just this
awww, i want a cool sword... cant I have one for being awesome... or for probably being the member to access the forum across the greatest amount of countries... oh well i guess I should be happy enough with just this
You can't find me because I'm lost in the music
Posted 08 April 2009 - 08:40 AM
I'm off tomorrow and am going to spend all day writing and reading!
Finish that off w/ a house party on the beach!
Finish that off w/ a house party on the beach!

Posted 08 April 2009 - 09:26 AM
Morgoth, on Apr 8 2009, 12:12 PM, said:
Twinsaaq!!!!! ::DD
La Sombra, saw "twins" and naturally assumed ...

"Fortune favors the bold, though statistics favor the cautious." - Indomitable Courteous (Icy) Fist, The Palace Job - Patrick Weekes
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker
Posted 08 April 2009 - 01:34 PM
He has just been to Hooters........
Posted 09 April 2009 - 08:16 PM
I have my licence.
“Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof Gas-Fireproof.”
Posted 09 April 2009 - 08:32 PM
Like a fishing license? cause i got mine too!
I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane.
Posted 09 April 2009 - 08:54 PM
I am moving house today!!! I am just taking a break from the last minute packing now

That Elephant is looking rather frayed at the edges
Posted 11 April 2009 - 06:23 PM
Lots of spring sunshine, nachos, cold beer and ROTCG out in my garden. I also got my LA Angels hat and shades out for the first time this year. Pure. Epic. Awesome.
A Haunting Poem
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.
Posted 12 April 2009 - 04:28 PM
Bhurnae, on Apr 8 2009, 02:34 PM, said:
He has just been to Hooters........
We were at a friend of mine's birthday party and her younger sisters were twins. She stayed home when we wnet out as a result of too many birthday toasts, but we brought the two sisters with us.. Twas a fun night

Take good care to keep relations civil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
Posted 12 April 2009 - 08:58 PM
Jesus is alive.

A Haunting Poem
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.