I've always known that Macros bases his choices in life upon my example, it's just one of those things. It feels a lot more meaningful when it turns out I've been an inspiration to a seemingly functional and healthy adult (despite the 15 shots

). I'm happy to hear it EM! I hope you feel that amp and I haven't done you wrong.
So I have returned, from the frozen north. Harstad is not the centre of the universe, I can tell you that, but it is beautiful (not the city, the city is terrible, but the nature surounding it). I've been there for several days, and my work now is done, at least for now. All I can do is wait for the verdict, which will be announced a few months probably.
You guys were right though, it wasn't bad at all. I was so stressed the days leading up to it, I barely did anything but work on my procedure, reading through the evidence and spending an awfull amount of time going through the legal theory. My wife was very patient with me. When I got there though, and entered the court room it all just kind of fell away. I knew what I was going to say. I knew the law and I knew the facts. And in the end, all the people there are just people. So when I fel unsure about a point in the process, I simply asked.
At any rate I think it went very well. I could answer any question thrown my way, and I had prepared a counter point to everything stated or asked by the opposing counsel. I guess all that panicky preperation really paid off. In the end though it's all up to the judge. Hopefully I was convincing. I think I was, but then it's hard to see myself from the outside.