I am continually impressed with the level of literary knowledge, as well as writing chops, posessed by the members of Malazan Forums.
Therefore, I would like to announce the Grand Contest for the best short story, as written by the wonderful individuals of malazanempire.com/forums.
As the founder of this Grand Contest, I would like to offer up $25 dollars of my hard-earned dough as first prize (I'm thinking an Amazon gift certificate). If anyone would like to paypal me additional funds, we could make the prize even bigger which could be fun, but this isn't necessary.
VOLUNTEER JUDGE positions, of which there are 3, have been filled.
Authors may choose between
a) Public Display of their submission in the writing forum.
*Grand Prize submission will be made public on malazanempire.com/forums regardless of how the work was originally submitted.
ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE MADE TO: malazanwriting@live.com
Submissions sanctioned for public viewing will be posted in the Writing Forum in a special thread created for the contest. See link below.
1) Volunteer Judges and Shinrei no Shintai are not eligible to submit short stories for the contest.
2) Any previously published works and works currently considered for publication will not be accepted for this contest.
3) All works must be original creations of and by the person submitting them for the contest. NO THIRD PARTY SUBMISSIONS ALLOWED.
4) Any professionally edited (by editors, professors, english teachers/tutors) are not eligible. This will be on the honor system, so if you have submitted a story for review in a magazine, newspaper, college or high school english course, it is not eligible for this contest.
5) Works must be 7,500 words or less (per Wikipedia's short story definition).
6) Submitted works can be works in progress, IF the work has never been professionally edited or submitted for publication. Therefore, works not started specifically for the purpose of this contest ARE eligible. (If you've had something sitting in your computer forever but have never finished or edited it, this is your chance).
7) Only standing members of malazanempire.com/forums are eligible. User ID's created after the date of this rules post will NOT BE ALLOWED to submit works.
8) If a volunteer judge opts to be anonymous and informs Shinrei no Shintai via Private Message of this desire, Privacy of said judge's ID will be honored.
9) Maximum of 1 submission is allowed per user ID. Single ownership of multiple IDs necessitates that ONE ID must be chosen under which to submit the work. In other words, only ONE SUBMISSION per ONE PERSON regardless of number of User ID's held.
10) Submitted works are intellectual property of the owner and author. Copyright will be honored and enforced, and any reproduction or use of submitted works without express written consent of the owner/author is prohibited.
Submission guidelines:
a) Original work of the person entering the submission.
c) 7,500 words or less.
d) English language only, except where other language is necessary for storytelling purposes.
GRAND PRIZE: $25.00 gift certificate to Amazon (plust more $ if further donations exist).
1st Finalist: Bragging Rights.
2nd Finalist: Bragging Rights.
3rd Finalist: Bragging Rights.
Here is the link to the writing forum where submissions will be posted:
Message edited once to provide the link above.
Message edited a second time to extend deadline to 12/20 (edited 7/22)