I watched the second episode of Killjoys today. I'm not sure if I liked it or not. CGI is servicable, certainly, decent enough effects and some good ideas. However, some things just didn't sit right with me. Like the enemy NPCs in todays episode. They looked very clichéish, very! To be honest, they looked very unoriginal, like the showrunners had already run out of ideas, or were just phoning it in.
The story was classic "save the mayors daughter" type. That's not necessarily a bad thing and it was good enough I suppose. The acting, well, I'm afraid it seems like the actors weren't taking it too seriously. Shame, because this could get on to be an entertaining show. It's just not quite there yet.
I'll be watching Dark Matter tomorrow. I'm not expecting a whole lot, but I AM expecting better. Dark Matter is the better show of the two.
On another note, do any of you know if something more is coming of the Ascension mini? That was a pretty damn good show.
Edit: nevermind, just found that it has officially been cancelled. Fuck!
This post has been edited by Primateus: 28 June 2015 - 12:26 AM