QuickTidal, on 17 November 2011 - 04:02 PM, said:
And in the colour-me-unsurprised category the sharks are apparently circling TERRA NOVA and it will likely not get renewed....
Yah i just watched the 'how do you use a dinosaur as a murder weapon' ep and, well... boring. In theory a show that includes a high speed pursuit of a genericraptor with jeeps and motorcycles, to collect evidence in a murder case, should be awesome... and yet it just came across as silly, especially when they decide it was a brilliant plan to chase the thing into a dense forest where it can effectively hide, climb trees, and try to eat them. I have huge respect for tv scriptwriters, but which idiot thought that was clever? Plus the sheer stupidity of showing the dino running, with a motorcycle right there behind it, followed by a lot of 'we don't have a visual!!!' yelling.
I want this show to get better and succeed but it's turning into another THE EVENT where i'm just watching the proverbial train-wreck in progress.
ONCE UPON A TIME is holding my interest. The ep where Snow and Price Snoring met wasn't bad, and Cinderella ep, while trite, was saved by a great performance from the guy playing Rumplestiltsgold. He positively chews scenery on screen.
GRIMM... the bee-hive creatures ep was okay and added a bit to the bigger picture, but it wasn't where this show needs to be. I appreciate that they're sticking to standalones to draw in and hold an audience, but 'police procedural with fantasy elements slotted in' isn't going to cut it if they don't raise their game a bit. The monsters need to be freakier, the stakes need to be higher... we don't need Law & Order & Werewolves. We need CSI: Supernatural.
X-FACTOR... last week i ffwd'd about 50% of both eps. And not just the chatter and useless marketing for pepsi and Adam Sandler's latest failure, but some genuinely atrocious performaces... ffs, i know they got caught lipsynching but please, for the love of god if the live performances are going to be THAT bad, lipsynch! CGI their lips if you must!!! I am, however, experiencing self-hate over how much i enjoy Astro... an eleven year old brat Jay Z wannabe should not be this entertaining. I also think Paula Abdul is going to self harm shortly when all of her groups are turfed.
FRINGE - still awesome.