amphibian, on 24 October 2011 - 08:44 PM, said:
Abyss, on 24 October 2011 - 07:56 PM, said:
And yet every review i read leaves me less interested.
I think it's the near blatant Fables rip-off that's bothering me.
You probably have read and liked Fables. You understand that tv shows that show promise and are getting good reviews from people you respect generally tend to have upwards trends as they figure out character voices and how to plot things just so. Each component of this is known to you.
And yet, you're less interested in this with every review you read.
It's probably because you won't admit to yourself that you generally like big dumb explodey things more than other things when the other things aren't quite at a stellar level from the get go.
Yes but no...
Yes in that It's more a feeling of general ennui with television shows that have nothing new to offer. Of course i have read and utterly enjoyed Fables, but i'm willing to give virtually anything genre related provided i don't have this omnipresent feeling that i've seen it before, see by examples NO ORDINARY FAMILY, ALPHAS and BEING HUMAN, all of which promised to be strikingly original, notwithstanding obvious analogies to other work, and all of which failed to deliver for me at least. I know the latter two have their fans and it's all good for them.
But i seem to be in a phase of less patience with my entertainment "when the other things aren't quite at a stellar level from the get go.", hence our discussion elsethread when EMBASSYTOWN was slo-go to start. Probably because i have less leisure time in general.
And no in that i think i'm clearly on record with my deep abiding love for big massive kersplosions with a healthy dose of big stupid hollywood wherein things go roar and dudes get kicked through walls. But that's far from the only stuff i enjoy.
To be clear, the reviews HERE are encouraging... it's the comments elsenet that keep reminding me the show is marketing itself as 'Ooo! Look! Snow White with a Sword!!! We clever!!!!'.
But i will likely check it out sooner or later.