Abyss, on 04 October 2011 - 06:50 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 04 October 2011 - 06:45 PM, said:
I was only moderately impressed by PERSON OF INTEREST, but I'll keep watching hoping that it might give me something more to work with.
Liked the first ep. Second ep was dull, at times bordering on silly.
Emerson still not playing to his potential, especially when he tries to make his manipulative genius do-gooder more sensitive. FFS, establish him as a cold-blooded (yet caring) bastard FIRST, back story and hugs LATER.
Gun-Jesus, on the other hand, needs to remember he's not playing the Terminator and loosen up just a tiny bit.
Ep 2 also failed to really make any interesting use of the tech element that is supposedly at the heart of the series. it was a loose starting point (the computers say she's alive, but she's DEAD!) and then ignored.
I just wish it didn't give me echoes of DOLLHOUSE which initially had a strange, but interesting premise that they didn't really use for a long time and I wondered where it could possibly go and be relevant and compelling....and then they hit us with that extra pilot, and the entire second season which kicked serious ass...but by then it was too late and Fox had pulled the plug.